
By Sarah Zheng China has introduced a national standard for the use of English language on public signage in its latest bid to say farewell to widely mocked – and often widely loved – poor translations and “Chinglish.” The new policy, which went into effect in December, establishes guidelines for English translations in 13 areas,...
Ecuador will play at the 2022 World Cup after FIFA dismissed an appeal in the case of Ecuadorian player Byron Castillo whom Chile claimed was ineligible to play during the qualifiers, world soccer’s governing body said on Friday. The Chilean Football Association (ANFP) had appealed FIFA’s June 10 decision to dismiss their complaint that Castillo...
A survey of expats by InterNations ranks Ecuador first overall in the world for making friends. Titled “Inside and Outside the Expat Bubble,” the survey compared expats’ ability to make friends among the local population as well as with other expats. Countries considered outside the expat bubble are those where expats mix more easily with...
The World Health Organization chief’s comment that the end of the pandemic is within reach sparked lively online debate — and some censorship — in China, the only major country still trying to stop the spread of the virus. WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said Wednesday that “we have never been in a better position to end...
Cuenca’s public utility ETAPA says that rationing of city water may be required if dry conditions continue. “We are in the dry season and since city reservoirs depend on rainfall for recharge, it may be necessary in the coming days and weeks to restrict residential service,” says Josué Larriva, ETAPA’s drinking water and sanitation manager....
Organized drug crime is too much for the police to handle by themselves, according to President Guillermo Lasso. “Traditional police methods of combating crime, like the measured use of force, investigation and anti-criminal intelligence have not contained the activities of the mafias,” he says. “This is why I am including in the popular consultation the...
By Abbey Perreault On a brisk November night, Tagine, a Moroccan restaurant tucked away on a quiet side street near Times Square, is alive with conversation. Nearly 20 people pack in around two tables cluttered with heaping, communal plates of steaming couscous, chickpeas, and yellow lentils. People exchange stories, laughs, and soft wedges of bread...
Haarlem in the Netherlands is set to ban most meat ads from public spaces because of the food’s climate impact. In what is the first such move by any city in the world, it will enforce the ban beginning in 2024. The ordinance, drafted by GroenLinks, a green political party, has faced opposition from the...
Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities President Leonidas Iza claimed Tuesday that the government is not following through with agreements reached last week. “Yes, there have been agreements but they are not being followed,” he said in a press conference with National Confederation of Peasant, Indigenous and Black Organizations President Gary Espinosa. Iza also called President Guillermo...
By Oscar Medina Colombia needs to carefully reduce fuel subsidies in order to lower the fiscal deficit without exacerbating its inflation problem, according to the nation’s finance chief. Jose Antonio Ocampo,estimates that subsidies on gasoline and diesel given through state-owned oil company Ecopetrol will cost public coffers about 2.5% of gross domestic product this year...
By Kenny Stancil Nearly 50 million people were trapped in forced labor or forced marriage on any given day in 2021, according to a new report published Monday, the latest reminder that “the scourge of modern slavery has by no means been relegated to history.” The International Labour Organization (ILO), Walk Free, and the International...
Ecuador could be “kicked out” of the Qatar World Cup this winter based on new information, according to the U.K. Daily Mail. Unnamed sources say they have uncovered evidence that shows right-back Byron Castillo used a “false birth certificate” to qualify to represent the country, having been born in Colombia. Attorneys for Castillo claim, however,...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Amazon eco lodge News

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