
Chileans overwhelmingly voted against a proposed new constitution on Sunday, rejecting what would have been one of the world’s most progressive charters. While nearly 80% of Chileans voted to draft a new constitution in 2020, nearly 62% of voters rejected the new text with 99.74 percent of ballot boxes counted. Karol Cariola, spokeswoman for the...
By Steve H. Hanke and Caleb Hofmann El Salvador’s president, Nayib Bukele, may be Bitcoin’s most visible publicist. Since Bukele assumed the presidency on June 1, 2019, his first-mover, grandiose plans for Bitcoin in El Salvador have generated buzz — and a litany of failures. In 2001, long before Bukele arrived on the scene, El...
By Mauricio Olmedo-Perez When I was mugged by a gang of teenagers in Panama City it was a surprisingly civil transaction, and it was all over in less than a minute. I was a tour guide and had worked throughout Latin America for a number of years, traveling to some places renowned for their crime...
By Matthew Bristow Colombia, the world’s biggest producer of cocaine, is rethinking the war on drugs which it has waged for decades backed by US military aid. Minutes after taking office last month, leftist President Gustavo Petro called for a new approach, saying in his inaugural speech that the policies pursued by Bogota and Washington...
Following complaints by indigenous organizations of lack of progress in negotiations with the government, the two sides agreed Thursday to continue talks “in good faith.” The Episcopal Council of the Catholic Church said Thursday that “several issues” have been resolved that will allow talks to resume. Earlier in the week, Conaie President Leonidas Iza said...
For the second time in a little more than a month, an opposition effort to reshape the government has failed in the National Assembly. On Thursday night, the Union of Hope (UNES) and Social Christian (PSC) bloc fell five votes short of dismissing three members of the Judicial Council it considers aligned with President Guillermo...
By Maria del Pilar Cobo  Ecuadorians are generally known for their formal courteousness, especially when it comes to welcoming foreign visitors. Most of us avoid confrontation if we can (except when we’re behind the wheel of car, when we metamorphize into another species). There are, however, a few ways that foreigners can get under our...
The Cuenca transportation office is advising motorists to allow more time to get to their destination as the new school year begins Thursday. “There will be intense traffic congestion in areas near schools on Thursday and Friday, particularly in the historic district,” the office said in social media posts. About 1.8 million students begin classes...
By Tom Larsen Artist Janda Grove is a North American Expat who lives in Cuenca. She has created an impressive portfolio of work, primarily using oils on canvas, linen or gessoed boards. She is also an accomplished photographer. Her latest initiative, Transferencia: Impressions of Our City, in collaboration with women expats is perhaps her most...
By Philippa Martyr It’s hard to measure the impact of any one drug on world history. But here are five drugs we can safely say made a huge difference to our lives, often in ways we didn’t expect. They have brought some incredible benefits. But they’ve usually also come with a legacy of complications we...
The Society for the Fight Against Cancer (Solca) said Tuesday it would continue to provide cancer treatment to members of the Social Security (IESS) health system. Solca announced Saturday that it was suspending services to new patients when IESS failed to make a payment on a $140 million debt that dates to 2008. “Following discussions,...
By Anjalee Khemlani When White House Chief Medical Advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci warned in 2020 that living with the coronavirus was going to be our new normal, he meant it. “We’re not going to eradicate the virus from the face of the Earth,” Fauci told Yahoo Finance in an interview on Tuesday. “I don’t believe...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Amazon eco lodge News