
In the first visit to Ecuador by a Spanish president in 20 years, Pedro Sánchez said he would push for the elimination of the Schengen area (European Union) visa requirement for Ecuadorian citizens, calling it “unfair” given the fact it does not apply to Peruvians and Colombians. He also pledged to promote increased trade and...
By Michael Stott and Lucinda Elliott Uruguay sells itself to investors as the Switzerland of Latin America. Many business people hail it as a beacon of sound government in a region beset by corruption and turmoil. Indian mining tycoon Pramod Agarwal describes that reputation as “eyewash”. His decade-long attempt to develop a world-class iron ore...
A survey conducted by the National Census Service shows that a third of Ecuador prisoners, or 11,000 of 32,000, identify with one of the gangs operating inside the prisons. Gang warfare in prisons has killed more than 400 since 2020 and seriously injured another 150. National Prison Director Pablo Ramírez said the numbers are “disturbing”...
By Evelyn Blackwell Sadhguru, the yoga master turned social media celebrity with over 8.6 million Instagram followers, says his philosophy is to always feel “blissed out” — adding that adopting this mindset might change your feelings about needing a luxurious lifestyle. “If you misunderstand your lifestyle for life you will always suffer because someone else...
By Lee Harrison I’ve spoken with lots of potential expats who are trying to choose between Cuenca, Ecuador, and Medellín, Colombia, even though these two cities are actually very different in key ways. But, as I’ve lived in both places (and both are among my favorites in Latin America), I’m frequently asked to compare the...
The government says that the number of Covid-19 cases continues a three-week downward trend, dropping dramatically in the week ending August 21. At the same time, it says that cases of monkeypox increased from 20 to 35 in the last seven days. “The Covid pandemic is, fortunately, in decline and we expect this to continue,”...
In a reversal of his earlier position, President Guillermo Lasso has partially vetoed the Communication Law passed in July by the National Assembly. Earlier, he said he would apply a total veto to the law which would have prevented it from being reconsidered for at least a year. Under a partial veto, his changes will...
Two-thirds of Europe is under some sort of drought warning, in what is likely the worst such event in 500 years. The latest report from the Global Drought Observatory says 47% of the continent is in “warning” conditions, meaning soil has dried up. Another 17% is on alert – meaning vegetation “shows signs of stress”....
By Riley MacKenzie The female condor was brought out again, and her legs were bandaged and lashed to the back of a black bull. The bull set off bucking across the ring, the startled condor flapping her wings and pecking at the bull’s back. The bull, racing helter-skelter under beating wings, looked as if it...
By Sylvan Hardy They’re coming in from all over the world. That’s what Australian Kendall Barnes says about other recent arrivals to Cuenca. “I’ve met people from Belgium, Israel, China, Russia, Argentina, Portugal, the U.S. and England since I moved here last year,” Barnes says. “Most of them are doing some sort of online work...
By Madeline Holcombe Accepting your body as it is and stopping all the dieting may sound great, but would doing so hurt your health? Advertisements, pop culture and even doctors can talk about health and weight as if they are one and the same: smaller bodies are healthier, and larger bodies must be unhealthy. But...
By David Leonhardt In October of last year, my colleague Kevin Roose wrote a column titled, “Facebook Is Weaker Than We Knew.” His hook was a series of stories in The Wall Street Journal, based on internal company documents, which revealed the company’s failure to stop content that damaged teen mental health, spread vaccine misinformation...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Amazon eco lodge News