
A series of earthquakes centered off the coast of Manabí Province has kept coastal residents on edge since late last week. Sunday’s 5.4 and 4.9 magnitude quakes, felt strongly in Manta, Bahía de Caraquez, Jama and Portoviejo, were the most intense so far, causing minor cracking in some structures. According to the Geophysical Institute, it...
By Stephen Vargha In the United States, there has been a long-standing discussion within tourism circles about the value of policing services at popular tourist destinations. Some argue that the local police can handle tourism duties as part of their workload. Others say police with foreign language skills and a special assignment of looking after...
By Maeve Campbell   Lithium extraction fields in South America have been captured by an aerial photographer in stunning high definition. But while the images may be breathtaking to look at, they represent the dark side of our swiftly electrifying world. Lithium represents a route out of our reliance on fossil fuel production. As the lightest known...
Ecuadorian authorities have seized 3.5 tons of cocaine bound for the UK and the Netherlands, police said on Saturday. Police seized the drugs in two banana containers at separate locations and say they represent the largest drug confiscation ever in a single day. One shipment contained a total of 2,300 packets of cocaine — each...
The Joint Command of Ecuador’s Armed Forces says it has requested information from the U.S. Embassy about 18 officers who have had their U.S. visas revoked since June. Michael Fitzpatrick, U.S. Ambassador to Ecuador, referred to the revocations in an August 15 interview with Vistazo magazine. “We have asked for the details of these cases...
By Diana Hubbell In addition to being an accomplished poet, playwright, and royal spy for King Charles II, Aphra Behn threw a hell of a party. A cultural maverick in 17th-century England, Behn didn’t care much for the norms imposed on the women of her day. She was married just long enough to snatch her...
The U.S. Embassy in Quito presented on August 8 the virtual tours Traveling the Qhapaq Ñan – the Andean Road System (Recorriendo el Qhapaq Ñan – el sistema vial andino), a regional project that encourages greater protection of cultural heritage along the indigenous Andean road system by showcasing the stories of people and places and...
The leaders of Ecuador business organizations worry that their interests are being ignored in the ongoing talks between the government and indigenous organizations. “They are talking about imposing cost controls on hundreds of products and the companies that produce and manufacture them have no place at the table,” says Christian Wahli, president of the Ecuador...
The National Risk Management Service is warning residents of Chimborazo and Bolivar Provinces to take precautions against volcanic ashfall from the Sangay volcano. The Service advised residents to wear masks while outdoors and to wash ash from food before consumption. The Service says it expects ash clouds to reach three more provinces on Friday and...
“Why was this man not in jail?” was the question Guayaquil Police Commander Víctor Zárate asked Wednesday following the arrest of Darío Arturo S. for Sunday’s Cristo del Consuelo bombing that killed five and injured 17. “He had seven cases pending against him, including robbery with a firearm and attempted murder and he was wearing...
The Inter American Press Association (IAPA) condemned the murder of journalist Gerardo Delgado in Ecuador, in addition to that of reporter Mike Cabrera, which occurred weeks ago. In view of the wave of violence against journalists, the organization urged the national government to complete the implementation of a protection system for journalists and press workers,...
By Braden Phillips Masks have been used by many of the world’s cultures, from Asia to Africa, for many purposes, from the holy to the medical to the mundane. At times, mask-wearing has been embraced as fashionable, much like in 16th-century Europe when wealthy women covered their faces and shielded their complexions from prying eyes...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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