
The number of national and international air passengers arriving at Ecuador’s airports is showing a strong recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic. According to the National Civil Aviation agency, the number of passengers through the first six months of 2022 was 78% the number of passengers in the same period of 2019. The agency reports that...
By Ellis Barber In the late 1920s, the Ford Motor Company bought up millions of acres of land in Brazil. They loaded boats with machinery and supplies, and shipped them deep into the Amazon rainforest. Workers cut down trees and cleared the land and then they built a rubber plantation in the middle of one...
Argentina’s inflation rate is soaring amid a severe economic and financial crisis. Consumer prices climbed 71% in July year-on-year, the country’s statistical office Indec said on Thursday. In July alone, prices increased by 7.4% compared to the previous month as peso continues to lose value against the U.S. dollar and the country’s debt grows. The...
By Martin Simmons As someone who has spent five or six months a year in Cuenca since 2003, I always appreciate the fact that I’m able to see the city with fresh eyes every time I return. For me, it’s like viewing a series of snapshots, taken in chronological order. It also reminds me a...
By Tariq Panja Qatar has had 12 years to plan for the World Cup. Now, with the first games of the tournament just over 100 days away and the intricate match schedule announced months ago, organizers have requested changes that would make the event start a day earlier so the host nation can have a...
Negotiations between the government and indigenous groups were suspended Wednesday as the two sides were unable to agree on price controls. The Catholic Episcopal Conference, which is moderating the talks, asked the two sides to reconsider their positions. “At this point, there is an irreconcilable impasse and we are requesting the two parties to conduct...
By Deepak Chopra and David Frawley There has never been a better time to reach a state of higher consciousness than now. On the surface this seems like a paradox. Modern secular society is far removed from the pursuit of higher consciousness, whether we call it nearness to God, enlightenment, awakening, or living a saintly...
Former vice president Jorge Glas remains in prison while the legality of a judge’s order for his release is questioned by the National Judicial Council. At the time Judge Banny Molina issued the habeas corpus for Glas and Daniel Salcedo, Molina was facing charges for mishandling a 2018 corruption case, the Council says. “Because he...
Residents of the El Cebollar / Mutualista Azuay neighborhood are blaming Mayor Pedro Palacios for the partial demolition of a community education center. Heavy equipment began knocking down walls of the center before daylight Tuesday but were stopped by angry neighbors who blocked the work. “We were not consulted about this and because they started...
By Zaria Gorvett Celebrated inventor and physicist Nikola Tesla swore by toe exercises – every night, he’d repeatedly ‘squish’ his toes, 100 times for each foot, according to the author Marc J. Seifer. While it’s not entirely clear exactly what that exercise involved, Tesla claimed it helped to stimulate his brain cells. The most prolific...
Although release orders for former vice president Jorge Glas and another inmate have been delivered to the prison administration at the Unit 4 of the Quito Penitentiary, there was no indication Tuesday afternoon when or if the release would occur. At 3:30, Glas’ attorney Edison Loaiza expressed anger that prison officials were not providing information...
President Guillermo Lasso said Monday night that the government will appeal a new habeas corpus ruling in favor of former vice president Jorge Glas, adding that Glas should remain in prison during the appeal. The habeas corpus was issued by Judge Banny Rubén Molina of the Portoviejo Penitentiary Guarantees Unit based on “a violation of...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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