
If you’re planning a trip to the beach in Ecuador, you’ll have plenty of choices to choose from. Although the beaches of the extraordinary Galapagos Islands are, without doubt, the country’s best, the mainland’s Pacific coast offers a number of excellent beaches that offer characteristics to satisfy the tastes of all travelers. Here’s a short...
The Network of Free Journalists is the latest non-profit organization encouraging President Guillermo Lasso to veto the Organic Law of Communication passed in July by the National Assembly. “If allowed to go into effect, this legislation would be an instrument for political revenge, just as the communication law enacted during the Rafael Correa regime proved...
Editor’s note: Beginning in 2008, students at the University of Cuenca have conducted surveys of what Cuencanos think about North American and European expats and their impact on the community. The survey was repeated in late 2021. Graduate student Silvia Lara, who was born in Cuenca but grew up in the U.S. before returning to...
Ecuador’s indigenous movement complained Tuesday that negotiations with the government are moving too slowly to accomplish the objectives laid out following the 18-day national strike in June. “If we continue at this rate, we are not going to conclude in the 90 days agreed to by both sides,” Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities (Conaie) President Leonidas...
By the Financial Times Editorial Board For a world desperate for economic growth, faced with the pandemic and the war in Ukraine, the latest numbers out of China have registered as more bad news. The world’s top locomotive — which has driven more than one-fifth of global gross domestic product growth — sputtered badly in...
By Julie Turkewitz, Mitra Taj and John Bartlett In Chile, a tattooed former student activist won the presidency with a pledge to oversee the most profound transformation of Chilean society in decades, widening the social safety net and shifting the tax burden to the wealthy. In Peru, the son of poor farmers was propelled to victory...
Ecuador geophysicists say there is no scientific connection between the appearance of a rarely seen tropical fish and the recent rash of earthquakes. They add that the story that oarfish sightings are predictors of a major earthquake is a “folktale, part of popular legend,” with no basis in fact. According to Ecuador fishery experts, at...
By Ray Horsley This is a countdown of what I’ve come up with as the ten most prominent “Sounds of Cuenca”. You might also call them “Noises of Cuenca”. It depends on your perspective. I’ve spent my life and career as a musician. Although I don’t think I have any hearing loss from it, at...
By Rowena Edwards and Karin Strohecker A Luxembourg bailiff has ordered banks to freeze assets held by Ecuador in Luxembourg accounts as a result of a dispute over a $391 million settlement award that Anglo-French oil company Perenco says remains unpaid, a document seen by Reuters show. Ecuador’s government pledged in June 2021 to honor...
By Wellcome Institute staff A new explanation for aging has been developed by researchers who have discovered that genetic abnormalities that develop gradually over a lifetime cause substantial alterations in how blood is generated beyond the age of 70. According to the research, the drastic reduction in blood production beyond the age of 70 is...
The Sangay volcano erupted late Saturday night and the accompanying explosions could be heard in large portion of central and southern Ecuador, including Cuenca. On Sunday, Ecuador’s Geophysical Institute said the eruption was in the “small to moderate” range but said activity could intensify. The institute said that that areas to the west and southwest...
By Stephen Vargha There is an ancient Chinese Proverb that says, “To the ruler, the people are heaven; to the people, food is heaven.” Owner of Cuenca’s Lamian China restaurant on Av. Florencia Astudillo, Tan has imparted that philosophy with his top-rated Asian restaurant in Cuenca, Lamian China. “It is very popular in the middle...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Amazon eco lodge News