
The National Assembly rejected President Guillermo Lasso’s proposal to revise the national communications law Thursday, voting instead for legislation that would impose stiff penalties on the media, journalists and commenters who “besmirch the honor and good name of citizens.” Lasso called the legislation, presented by the UNES bloc, a “gag law” and a return to...
By Megan Henney Scorching-hot inflation is inflicting financial pain on millions of U.S. households, but the rising price of everyday necessities has squeezed one group in particular: retirees living on a fixed income. Although Social Security recipients receive a cost-of-living adjustment, or COLA, that is indexed to inflation, the amount of benefits exempted from tax...
Panamanian protesters are intensifying their anti-government strike, demanding the government stop rising inflation and corruption. Across the small Central American nation, thousands of protesters blocked roads and airports and stopped trucks from delivering food and other supplies, a pressure tactic that has been increasingly used since protests broke out two weeks ago as inflation accelerated...
Although the rapidly rising value of the dollar means vacations and imported items are cheaper, it’s bad news for Ecuador’s export sector. “This is hitting us very hard and the situation is made worse because of the pandemic and the indigenous strike,” says Felipe Ribadeneira, president of the Ecuadorian Federation of Exporters (Fedexpor). “The dollar...
By Alice Kantor More Americans are relocating to Europe, driven across the Atlantic by the rising cost of living, inflated house prices, a surging dollar and political rancor at home. Italy, Portugal, Spain, Greece and France are among the most popular destinations. Sotheby’s International Realty said requests from Americans looking to move to Greece rose 40% in the...
By Toby Green and Thomas Fazi The usual suspects have been out in force demanding greater health restrictions as the story of rising Covid cases is peddled through the media. WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has been urging governments to employ “tried and tested measures” such as masking and testing, while various luminaries from the...
By Liam Higgins Around city markets they take up space on sidewalks, selling fruit and vegetables and sometimes household goods. On historic district streets they push wheelbarrows of produce or food carts, some with gas-fired grills for cooking. Some simply walk, selling potato chips, candy and umbrellas. At busy intersections, they circulate among stopped cars,...
At least 13 inmates were killed Monday in a riot at the Bellavista prison in Santo Domingo. The violence comes just two months after another 44 died in gang warfare at Bellavista. The penitentiary system administration said that seven prisoners were injured during the riot and are being treated at a hospital in Santo Domingo,...
By Seth Borenstein In the course of a single year, University of Maine climate scientist Jacquelyn Gill lost both her mother and her stepfather. She struggled with infertility, then during research in the Arctic, she developed embolisms in both lungs, was transferred to an intensive care unit in Siberia and nearly died. She was airlifted...
Although prices for gasoline and diesel fuel could be reduced for poorer Ecuadorians, they are likely to rise for others. On Monday, indigenous organizations released their proposal for a three-pronged approach to provide price relief to the poor and to the agricultural and transportation sectors. The proposal was presented on the fourth day of negotiations...
Although the number of Covid-19 infections has risen sharply in recent weeks, the government says it has no plans to return to the lockdowns and other restrictions imposed earlier in the pandemic. “The measures used in the early stages of the pandemic were devastating for the country, particularly the poorest citizens,” says Government Minister Francisco...
By Amélie Bottollier-Depois   From ocean depths to mountain peaks, humans have littered the planet with tiny shards of plastic. We have even absorbed these microplastics into our bodies—with uncertain implications. Images of plastic pollution have become familiar: a turtle suffocated by a shopping bag, water bottles washed up on beaches, or the monstrous “Great...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Amazon eco lodge News

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