
By John Anderer There are plenty of reasons to keep moving well beyond your 60th birthday. Regular exercise in old age helps preserve cognition, improve balance, and prevent bone loss—just to name a few perks. In fact, a recent study even reports that when we exercise, a specific hormone is released by the muscles into...
Administrators of Ecuador’s public universities were taken by surprise Friday when President Guillermo Lasso announced he was eliminating the Senescyt exam used for student admissions. Under executive order, each of the country’s 33 public universities will now be responsible for developing their own admission standards. President of the University of Cuenca Maria Agusta Hermida says...
The construction of mid- and high-rise condominiums and office buildings is accelerating in Cuenca and developers say the trend will help control urban sprawl. According to Romel Zhindón, president of the Azuay College of Architects, at least 20 projects, ranging in size from five to 18 stories, are currently under construction. According to Zhindón, the...
By Aarthi Swaminathan and Michael B. Kelley The world is currently embroiled in “Cold War II” — and has been for a while — and the path ahead is lined with the geopolitics of nuclear weapons, says one historian. “And we’ve now forgotten so much of that history that we don’t realize that Cold War...
Negotiators for the government and indigenous organizations said Friday that talks have been “constructive and cordial” since they began on Wednesday. “We have a long way to go, with major issues to resolve, but we’ve made a good start,” said Gary Espinoza, President of the National Confederation of Organizations of Indigenous and Black People. Government...
By Shafik Meghji After cresting the 4,800m Cumbre pass, the trufi (shared taxi) plunged into a cloud of swirling mist. Inside the vehicle it felt strangely peaceful, as if we were trapped in a bubble, which was perhaps for the best given we were travelling along the “Camino de la Muerte”, or Death Road. Running...
By Dave Barry We need to talk about the lizards. I think they’re up to something. Here in South Florida we’re accustomed to lizards, of course; they’re everywhere. When I moved here decades ago, the lizards were one of the things I had to adjust to, along with the hurricanes, the 250 percent humidity, and...
By Jen Mills There are about 4,000 members of the Huaorani tribe living in Ecuador’s rainforest, many still hunting for food using traditional methods such as catching monkeys with blow pipes and poison darts. Pete Oxford, a conservation photographer from Devonshire, England, traveled to Ecuador recently to document the way the Huaorani live, a way...
The number of Covid-19 cases reported Thursday was the highest since January, according to the Ministry of Health. Of the 2,415 cases confirmed, 930 were in Pichincha Province while another 387 were in Guayas. “As new subvariants of Omicron are introduced into the population, the number of infections and positive test results continue to rise,”...
A strong magnitude 6.1 earthquake centered 15 kilometers north of Guayaquil was felt throughout much of the country Thursday afternoon, sending workers and residents into the streets and causing damage to some structures. One person was killed in Samborondón as a result of electric shock from a falling cable. The quake occurred at 5:30 p.m....
By Zach Wichter A favorable exchange rate between the dollar and the euro may make a summer getaway to Europe look attractive this year, but travelers who have been there warn that the continent’s airports are a mess. Mark Cassell, a political science professor at Kent State University who lives in Washington, D.C., told USA...
In the first day of negotiations between the government and indigenous groups, both sides agreed to develop their own plans for how fuel subsidies should be targeted. “With the approach, we will consider fully developed proposals that can be modified and adjustment to meet the interests of both sides,” said Darío Herrera, Deputy Minister of...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Amazon eco lodge News