
By Mariana Martinez Barba Four towering light beams flicker on Robert Banderas as he clutches a microphone. He adjusts his red, yellow and blue sports jersey, preparing to slip into his alter ego. By day, the 52-year-old is a welder. At night, Banderas transforms into “El Cuy,” one of the biggest boosters of ecuavoley in...
Although experts say the El Niño weather phenomenon is still developing, its early affects are being felt on Ecuador’s coast. Yesterday, the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (Inamhi) said that unseasonal rains, heavy at times, will continue for at least several days. The northern coast in Manabí and Esmeraldas Provinces will be the most...
Brain size typically declines with age, but the severity and prevalence of that decline may be related to lower activity levels, higher food consumption, and other evolutionary changes in lifestyle that are common in industrialized societies. An NIA-funded study of two indigenous South American groups, published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, supports...
On the spring of 1974, at the tender age of 21, I had my first encounter with “the light.” This encounter came in the form of a Voice which informed me with great authority that I was to radically change the course of my young life. My willingness to follow this “divine guidance” would set...
Former Ecuador Air Force Commander General Jorge Gabela was murdered in December 2010 for his opposition to the government’s purchase of seven Indian-made helicopters. This is one of the conclusions of a report delivered Tuesday by Argentinian forensics expert Roberto Meza. The report, which is the recreation of one delivered to former president Rafael Correa...
The National Electoral Council voted Wednesday to allow the cross death election campaign for the presidency and National Assembly to begin on Thursday. Previously, the start date was August 9 but CNE President Diana Atamaint believed that did not allow sufficient time for candidates to present their agendas before the August 20 election. CNE councilor...
Private memorial services were held Tuesday in at least three Cuenca churches on the 40th anniversary of the most deadly air disaster in Ecuador’s history. On the morning of July 11, 1983, all 119 passengers and crew on a Tame Air flight from Quito to Cuenca died when their Boeing 737 crashed into a mountain...
Nearly a sixth of the inmates in Ecuador’s prisons have not been sentenced, a national census showed on Monday, as President Guillermo Lasso urged the judicial system to be speedier to help ease the burden on overcrowded jails. Lasso, who will leave office later this year after bringing forward elections, told journalists the current prison...
The controversy over two condominium projects on Paseo Tres de Noviembre, adjacent the Rio Tomebamba, could have been avoided, experts say, if the city had developed a comprehensive historic district management plan. Located in the Barranco district, between the Hermano Miguel escalinata and Calle Bajada de Todos Santos, the large multi-unit housing projects have drawn...
By Rachel Tolosa Paz Years ago, in a bombed-out museum in La Plata, Argentina, I was offered yerba mate by a complete stranger. A winter chill whistled through the front wall left exposed by a tank, whilst a woman continued to pour warm water into her mate and offer it to those in the room....
Ecuador’s Central Bank reports that revenue from all sources dropped 23% in the first six months of 2023 compared with the same period of 2022. The largest loss, the Bank says, was in oil revenues as a result of lower prices, strikes by indigenous groups and technical problems. In addition, collections from the value added...
By Ute Kreplin Among the promised psychological and physical benefits of meditation are the elimination or reduction of stress, anxiety and depression, as well as bipolar disorder, eating disorders, diabetes, substance abuse, chronic pain, blood pressure, cancer, autism and schizophrenia. It is a panacea for the individual. There are also apparent interpersonal and collective effects....

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Amazon eco lodge News

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