
According to President Guillermo Lasso, the 18-day indigenous strike was funded at least in part by drug money. He said he can show a “clear paper trail” linking drug traffickers to the most violent strikers. Lasso made the claim in an interview Thursday with Argentina news site Infobae. He also claimed there were links between...
Editor’s note: Although the indigenous strike that ended last week caused massive disruption, it was only the latest in a long series of indigenous protests. In fact, the strike pales in comparison to several others, especially the 1990 “levantamiento.” Historian Marc Becker chronicles the background and history of Ecuador’s indigenous movement. By Marc Becker In...
By Lee Harrison Recently, I had a good lesson in what it’s like when your country is a target and experienced one of the biggest benefits of being part of another culture. A few days ago I found myself walking along a quiet, tree-lined street in Pocitos, Montevideo, one of the city’s nicest neighborhoods. I...
By Paul Wiseman The U.S. dollar has been surging so much that it’s nearly equal in value to the euro for the first time in 20 years. That trend, though, threatens to hurt American companies because their goods become more expensive for foreign buyers. If U.S. exports were to weaken as a result, so, too,...
Negotiators from the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities and the government have settled on the topics to be considered when formal talks begin July 13. As part of the settlement to end the 18-day Conaie strike last week, both sides agreed to hold 90 days of negotiations to resolve their differences. Among the topics to be...
By Joanna Thompson After two years of La Niña — El Niño’s cooler counterpart — the South Pacific may be facing a potential third appearance of La Niña in a row, which could bring more rainfall to an already-saturated eastern Australia and continue the trend of intense hurricane seasons along the east coast of the...
The Cuenca Municipal Health Council says it is “highly alarmed” by the rapid rise in positive Covid-19 tests in recent weeks and says it may recommend changes to local health policy. Health council advisor and medical researcher Bernardo Vega said Wednesday that there were 479 positive PCR tests during the week of June 27 to...
Former Guayaquil mayor Jaime Nebot is proposing that Ecuador adopt a republican form of government, allowing provinces and municipalities greater autonomy and authority. He said the recently ended indigenous strike proves that “top-down” government is not working. “It is undoubtedly time for Ecuadorians to consider the model of a united federal republic,” he said Wednesday...
By Stephen Vargha Convención del 45 has a very interesting history. The barrio, which encompasses about 24 blocks on the west side of Cuenca, was one of three entrances to the city in the 19th century and early-20th century. The other two were El Volcán and El Vecino. “Many would rest in this barrio before...
By Tim Greene For the well-traveled, the idea of retirement abroad can seem an idyll. You pick a place you’ve loved visiting, whether it’s the thrumming avenues of Paris or the sunny strands of Panama or the mountains of Ecuador, and jet off for the perfect permanent vacation. But the fantasy can become less carefree...
The Constitutional Court has ordered revisions to Ecuador’s new abortion law, saying it does not respect the rights of young women. Based on a suit brought by mothers of underage girls, the court ruled that girls under the age of 18 do not need the permission of legal representatives to obtain an abortion in the...
By Aude Soichet and Allie Yang The Galapagos Islands in the eastern Pacific Ocean are staggeringly beautiful, volcanic and remote — 600 miles away from Ecuador, the country that owns them. At least 14 islands make up the Galapagos National Park, and a remarkable 97% of the land is off-limits to the public. The park...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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