
Although Cuenca has escaped the disruption and violence suffered by other major cities during the first nine days of the indigenous anti-government strike, that appeared to be changing Wednesday. Early Wednesday morning, a protester died at roadblock on the Pan American highway in Tarqui after police fired tear gas to clear the intersection connecting Cuenca...
By Alan Suderman and Ben Fox Teachers unable to get paychecks. Tax and customs systems paralyzed. Health officials unable to access medical records or track the spread of COVID-19. A country’s president declaring war against foreign hackers saying they want to overthrow the government. For two months now, Costa Rica has been reeling from unprecedented...
President Guillermo Lasso says he is ready to negotiate an end to the nine-day anti-government strike but the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities (Conaie) says it won’t talk until new demands are met. Lasso accepted the invitation of the non-profit Fundación Esquel for mediation Tuesday afternoon, saying “it’s time to talk.” Hours later, however, Conaie President...
Martes, 21/6/2022 Hola, Todos – Titular – Presidente amplía estado de excepción (President expands state of emergency) – See today’s (Tuesday) article in CHL for story. Informe – Casa de la Cultura se declara en resistencia (Casa de la Cultura declares resistance) – Martín Sánchez, president of the Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana (CCE) Núcleo...
By Stephen Vargha Sofia Palacios’ mother wanted her to be a doctor like her sister. Or even a paramedic like her other sister. Instead, Sofia went into the restaurant business. At first, that was a disappointment for Mom. Today, her mother is very proud of what her daughter has done with Sofy Glocal Cuisine. According...
President Guillermo Lasso has replaced the state of emergency he ordered Friday with new one that includes three additional provinces. In repealing Friday’s order, the president said he was responding to new incidents of violence and the need to protect citizens. The new emergency declaration covers Chimborazo, Tungurahua and Pastaza Provinces well as Pichincha, Imbabura...
Lunes, 20/6/2022 Hola, Todos – Titular – Las protestas entran en una “semana decisiva” (Protests enter a “decisive week”) – See the 2 articles below in the Informe section. Informe – Expectativa por el rumbo que tomarán las protestas (Expectations about the future course of the protests) – Even though the protests diminished during the...
By John Keeble I remember sitting in the ruins of Olympia, Greece, half a century ago and feeling part of it – as if the ancient Greek ghosts were still there, walking through their daily lives unaware of the wider world, let alone their sporting immortality. I experienced something similar wandering among the stones of...
By Alexandra Valencia Ecuador oil company Petroecuador says it is working to shut down gas flares in the Amazon to comply with a court-imposed deadline, but progress is too slow for nearby communities who allege the flares cause cancer and other illnesses. A provincial tribunal in Sucumbios province last year ordered Petroecuador and a handful...
National Police used barricades and tear gas Sunday in an attempt to stop thousands of protesters marching on Quito but were eventually forced to withdraw. The march on the capital began in the indigenous communities of Chimborazo and Cotopaxi Provinces Saturday and crossed into Pichincha Province Sunday morning despite the government’s emergency declaration banning large...
By Liam Higgins With President Guillermo Lasso under intense pressure to negotiate an end to the indigenous-led national strike, some are asking if it is even possible to comply with the strikers’ 10 demands [see full list below] even if the government is willing. “Based on the concessions the president offered Friday night, it’s clear...
Gustavo Petro, a former member of the M-19 rebel movement who has promised profound social and economic change, has won Colombia’s presidency, beating the construction magnate Rodolfo Hernandez. Petro won 50.5 percent of the vote to Hernandez’s 47.3 percent on Sunday, with a margin of more than 700,000 votes. The two had been technically tied...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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