
A former Cuenca expat who police in the U.S. say committed 127 sexual assaults was sentenced Thursday to 28 years to life in prison by a Golden, Colorado court. Peter Dettmer was arrested in June 2016 in Golden on charges of raping an unconscious woman but fled to Ecuador before he could stand trial. In...
President Guillermo Lasso declared a state of emergency Friday night for three provinces hardest-hit by the indigenous anti-government strike. Under the declaration, Pichincha. Cotopaxi and Imbabura Provinces are under restrictions for public gatherings and movement as well as a night-time curfew. Lasso made the decision following a day of sometimes-violent protests in Quito and the...
By Stephen Vargha “We will give you idiomART because we don’t want it to be another Gringo joint that is a flash in the pan.” With that statement from the founder Sara Koppler, Sarah Hanenbauer took the gauntlet and ran with it in 2021. The native of Bozeman, Montana had moved to Cuenca in 2009,...
As the anti-government strike enters its fifth day, the Catholic Episcopal Conference, Amnesty International, the National Assembly and the city of Cuenca have offered to mediate talks between the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities (Conaie) and the government. Strike leader and Conaie President Leonidas Iza said he is ready to talk but sees no “concrete actions...
Jueves, 16/6/2022 Hola, Todos – Actividades – 5 ciudades se unen para sesión de yoga (5 cities join for yoga session) – The Indian Embassy for Colombia and Ecuador, the Ministerio of Ayush, and the Consejo Indio para las Relaciones Culturales have organized a series of activities for the Día Internacional del Yoga which will...
By Camilo Rocha, Rodrigo Pedroso and Philip Wang A suspect held over the disappearance of a British journalist and Brazilian indigenous affairs expert has admitted to killing the pair in a remote region of the Amazon, Brazilian authorities said at a news conference Wednesday. Brazilian Federal Police identified the suspect as Amarildo da Costa de...
Most of Cuenca’s LP gas trucks were off the streets Wednesday and customers going to the supply stores were greeted with “no gas” signs. “The supply of gas to the city has been stopped by the roadblocks from the coast,” says Gerardo Maldonado, general manager Austrogas, one of Cuenca’s major gas distributors. “We receive our...
Miércoles, 15/6/2022 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Titular – Mayor tensión en el país (Increased tension in the country) – See articles in Informe section below. Informe – Sugieren buscar puntos de consenso (Seeking points of consensus is suggested) – Yesterday in Azuay, Mario Fárez of CONAIE, called for the populace to intensify the protests...
By Knvul Sheikh If you’re one of the millions of people who have already had Covid-19, you may be wondering how long you will have immunity from the coronavirus. Earlier in the pandemic, most people assumed that getting infected had at least one upside: that you would be protected against future encounters with the virus....
By Amazonía Viva The route connecting the provinces of Loja and Zamora Chinchipe in Ecuador is a sequence of roads surrounded by inexperienced, leafy and picturesque mountains. Near the metropolis of Zamora, indicators welcome guests to the ‘Land of Waterfalls and Birds.’ Naturally, the fluttering of birds and butterflies fills the air. A river runs...
Latacunga Judge Paola Bedón ordered the immediate release of indigenous strike leader Leonidas Iza Tuesday night but said that the charges against him of paralyzing public transportation are legitimate. Under terms of the release, Iza must remain in the country and report to the court on Wednesdays and Fridays until his case is resolved. Iza,...
Martes, 14/6/2022 Hola, Todos – Actividades – 55 artistas teatralizan 8 leyendas de Ecuador (55 artists dramatize 8 legends of Ecuador) – “Killa Saririkuna” is a work that features air dancing, theater, dance, and music to put 8 Ecuadorian legends on stage. 55 artists from 3 collectives – Lumiére, led by Paúl García, formed at...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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