
By John Anderer Baby boomers are more likely to live with numerous chronic health conditions than earlier generations, according to new research from Penn State and Texas State University. Study authors warn that the growing rate of multiple chronic health conditions (multimorbidity) among older Americans represents a real health threat to the nation. If it...
Leaders of the indigenous strike against the government urged followers to “radicalize their resistance” following the arrest Tuesday morning of Conaie President Leonidas Iza. The Interior Ministry reported an increase in violent events, including attacks on police, following the arrest and said it expects more in the coming hours. Iza was taken into custody shortly...
Ecuador National Police arrested Leonidas Iza, President of the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities (Conaie) “on the presumption of committing crimes” early Tuesday morning in Cotopaxi Province. Iza, who is leading the national anti-government strike that began Monday, was pictured Monday with protesters at several roadblocks. Following the arrest, President Guillermo Lasso said that evidence suggests...
Despite earlier claims that the indigenous protest against the government was not a repeat of the October 2019 strike, officials in Quito said Monday night that road closures and reports of violence were increasing. “Throughout the afternoon, we are receiving reports of violent acts and vandalism as a result of strike activities,” Interior Minister Patricio...
Hola, Todos – Actividades – Old news from sábado, 11/6/2022 Cita de saberes y artes en Pumapungo (Rendezvous of knowledge and arts in Pumapungo) – To celebrate Inti Raymi, there will be events starting el lunes, 13/6 in the Museo and Parque Arqueológico Pumapungo. The “Andesmanta-Desde los Andes” event will have dance, music, art and...
By Kelsey Vlamis Yale historian Timothy Snyder said Russian President Vladimir Putin plans to starve some countries as part of his efforts in Ukraine. Snyder published a lengthy Twitter thread Saturday explaining how he believes Putin is using food insecurity to his advantage and called it the “latest chapter of hunger politics.” “Russia has a...
Interior Minister Patricio Carrillo says he and other government officials are relieved that the national strike called by the Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (Conaie) is not a repeat of October 2019. In a late morning assessment of the strike and the government’s response, he said 20 to 25 roads and highways have been blocked by...
The Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities (Conaie) said it would begin “shutting down the country” Monday morning in protest of government policies despite official warnings that blocking highways and disrupting services is illegal. In addition to Conaie and a number of local indigenous organizations, the strike is being joined by the Ecuador Federation of Banana Producers...
By Tom Ashdown I have seen a number of articles on this website and others that discuss the reasons why people become expats. I have also seen articles about why expats decide to move to other towns in Ecuador or to other countries, and why some of them go back home, usually to the U.S....
Interior Minister Patricio Carrillo said Friday that “Cuenca will receive its fair share” of the government’s $1.2 billion plan to beef up the nation’s law enforcement. “We will assign an additional 500 police to the city and provide them the training to work in an increasingly difficult law enforcement environment,” he said. Carrillo and Vice...
Editor’s note: Leaders of twenty-three Western Hemisphere countries attended the ninth Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles on June 6–10, with a focus on “Building a Sustainable, Resilient, and Equitable Future.” The summit sought cooperation on shared challenges, including economic recovery, climate change, health, and migration. The meeting showcased a divided region and is unlikely...
By Melissa Kirsch A crowd gathered in Times Square recently for the removal of what the city promoted as New York’s last public pay phone. “End of an Era,” declared the news release headline, even though the era when pay phones played any meaningful role in New Yorkers’ lives certainly ended long ago. One might...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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