
By Wilfredo Miranda  Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo’s plan seemed simple – persuade Rolando Álvarez to leave the country. They tried leveraging “contacts” at the Vatican who were negotiating the release of the Roman Catholic priest who has been a longtime critic of the Sandinista regime and the Bishop of Matagalpa (central Nicaragua) since 2011....
The National Judiciary Council ordered the 800 employees of the Manabí Province judicial system to telecommute for a period of at least 15 days. The order applies to judges and trials scheduled until July 27 and follows a hand grenade explosion at a Portoviejo judicial center last week. The blast left three people injured, including...
By Liam Higgins As the fastest growing major city in Ecuador, Cuenca faces the dual challenges of managing its explosive growth while it protects its heritage and natural resources. According to United Nations urban growth expert Augusto Pintos, the challenge is urgent. “Managing and controlling growth is a problem for all cities,” says Pintos who...
By Stacey Colino  Doctors don’t usually prescribe spending time in nature to their patients but perhaps they should. A robust body of research shows that being in green spaces — such as parks, woods, forests, mountains, and the like — is beneficial for people’s physical and mental well-being. Less well-known are the perks of hanging...
An estimated 2,000 LGBTI supporters crowded into San Francisco Plaza Saturday afternoon following a Gay Pride parade through Cuenca’s historic district. Organizers said the parade from Parque San Blas to San Francisco Plaza was the largest in the event’s 10-year history. “We are very happy with this wonderful crowd,” said Anita Ludeña. “This is a...
By Scott Adamson Parks in Latin America serve a number of purposes. They provide a green respite in an otherwise concrete jungle. They’re a space where anyone from the wealthy to the homeless can rest their legs. And, for young couples, they’re the most popular place to hook up. In the park in southern Mexico...
Residents of Molleturo blockaded the Cuenca-Molleturo- El Empalme highway late Thursday night and are holding four Ministry of Transportation technicians captive. Protesters are demanding the government fulfill commitments made to repair and maintain the highway through the Cajas mountains 18 months ago. The highway, which connects Cuenca and Guayaquil, has experienced a series of landslides...
Latin Americans don’t think much of the public service they receive from the government and even most private businesses. That’s the conclusion of studies conducted by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), which look into ways to cut bureaucratic red tape. The study looked at public service satisfaction levels in Chile, Ecuador, Panama, Paraguay, Ecuador, Trinidad...
By Kathryn Armstrong Devices including mobile phones are set to be banned from classrooms to stop them from disrupting learning, the Dutch government has announced. The initiative is being introduced in collaboration with schools and is to take effect at the start of next year. There will be some exceptions, including for students with medical...
For the first time, President Guillermo Lasso is warning that a victory for the referendum ending oil production in the Yasuní National Park will have dire economic consequences for Ecuador. “A ‘yes’ vote will force the government to consider how the oil revenues will be replaced,” he said. “Or, we may be forced to reduce...
A special commission appointed by President Guillermo Lasso to study Ecuador’s Social Security system (IESS) has proposed increasing from 30 to 35 the number of years workers would need to qualify for a retirement pension. Following more than five months of work, the commission presented their findings to Lasso on Monday. Amidst criticism from social...
Global oil demand will rise to 110 million barrels a day in about 20 years, pushing the world’s energy demand up by 23%, said OPEC on Monday. ″Oil is irreplaceable for the foreseeable future,” Secretary General Haitham Al Ghais of the Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries said while addressing the inaugural Energy Asia conference...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Amazon eco lodge News