
By Samuel Petrequin  Former Ecuador president Rafael Correa said the political asylum he has been granted in Belgium is proof he is persecuted by his country’s authorities and did not rule out a return to politics in an interview with the Associated Press last week. Correa, who in 2020 was found guilty of corruption and...
President Guillermo Lasso and Peruvian President Pedro Castillo agreed on Friday to strengthen cooperation to promote border area development in the post-pandemic era. The agreement was reached by the two presidents in Loja, according to a joint declaration issued after the conclusion of the 14th Ecuador-Peru Binational Cabinet meeting. “We have completed this Binational Cabinet...
By Jackson Holtz Mindfulness meditation is a stress-management practice with ancient lineage that cultivates nonjudgmental awareness of the present moment, often by directing attention to the physical sensations of breathing. Initially inspired by centuries-old Buddhist practices consisting of philosophies and meditations together, today a secular version of mindfulness — consisting of meditations alone — is...
As a result of rising crime levels, President Guillermo Lasso has decreed a state of emergency in Guayas, Manabí and Esmeraldas Provinces. The order allows the use of military troops to combat what Lasso calls “a plague of illegal drug violence” and to reassign police to the three provinces. Lasso said that 4,000 additional police...
The medical associations in Guayaquil, Quito and Cuenca issued statements Friday expressing alarm at the government’s decision to end the face mask requirement, saying they believe it was premature. “We understood the decision would be made in May following the evaluation of more epidemiological data so we were surprised by the national COE’s action,” the...
By Manuel Rueda Colombians and Ecuadorians will soon be going to movie theaters without having to wear face masks. Chile opens its borders next week for the first time in two years. Mexico’s president has declared the pandemic over. And in Rio de Janeiro, tens of thousands attended Carnival parades just two months after the...
For the first time in almost two years, Ecuadorians are allowed to go maskless. The national Emergency Operations Committee and President Guillermo Lasso announced Thursday that, effective immediately, face masks are no longer required except in hospitals and health clinics. COE President Juan Zapata said the new rule applies nationwide. “We are pleased to take...
Economic growth in Latin America and the Caribbean will be lower than expected at 1.8 percent this year due to the war in Ukraine, a UN body said Wednesday. In 2021, the region’s gross domestic product (GDP) was 6.2 percent, and the UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) in January forecast...
Jueves, 28/4/2022 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Quimbita expondrá en Puerto Rico (Quimbita to exhibit in Puerto Rico) – Ecuadorian painter, Olmedo Quimbita, will be bringing 25 works from his gallery to the Museo de las Américas in San Juan de Puerto Rico starting el 18/5 for a 3 month show. If you want to...
The National Assembly voted Wednesday to form a commission to investigate “failures of leadership” by Assembly President Guadalupe Llori. The commission is made up of her opponents and is expected to recommend her removal following 35 days of fact-finding and testimony. The vote followed a judge’s decision to lift an earlier court order blocking the...
Miércoles, 27/4/2022 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Noche de recuerdos para festejar a mamá (A night of memories to celebrate mom) – For Mother’s Day, there will be a 5 hour concert este viernes in the coliseo Jefferson Pérez a las 19:00. Performers will be Los Terrícolas from Venezuela, Los Ángeles Negros from Chile, Boddega...
By Jan Dynes My mother would be 104 this month if she was still with all of us. Mother’s Day always followed just after her birthday. So she is on my mind. Mary Jane Seibertz was born during the Spanish Flu Epidemic in 1918. She brought 3 daughters into this world, one is now deceased....

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Amazon eco lodge News