
By Esteban Rojas A 72-year-old grandmother who named a popular snack after the “widow” of President Nicolas Maduro — still very much alive — has become the latest casualty of a Venezuelan hate speech law denounced by rights defenders. Olga Mata was arrested last week after posting a comedic video on TikTok in which she...
Ecuador could reduce this year’s fiscal deficit more than it predicted, if crude prices remain high and it is able to sell a state-owned bank, President Guillermo Lasso said on Tuesday, adding the country still requires significant private investment to create jobs. The government has predicted 2022 will close with a deficit of 2% of...
Martes, 26/4/2022 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Nada. Titular – Pedidos de la CNJ y del CJ, innecesarios (Requests from the CNJ and the CJ, unnecessary) – <This topic was too hard for me to translate yesterday, and I haven’t gotten any smarter since then so if you’re interested, you’ll have to read it on...
By Paul Paz y Miño On Tuesday, human rights lawyer Steven Donziger woke up free, marking the closure of the latest chapter in Chevron’s scheme to evade justice for contaminating the Amazon rainforest. Now all eyes turn back to the true crime – Chevron’s contamination from 1964-1992 in Ecuador and the company’s efforts to escape...
By Erin Prater Patients suffering from respiratory and neurological symptoms, including loss of taste and smell. Long-haul sufferers who struggle to muster the energy to return to work. A pandemic with a penchant for attacking the elderly and obese with particular force. Sounds a lot like COVID, right? It’s not. Rather, it’s the “Russian Flu,”...
As the effort to oust National Assembly President Guadalupe Llori continues to simmer, a new controversy has taken shape in the legislative halls. It follows the revelation last week that the Assembly’s Pachakutik leader Rafael Lucero met secretly in Mexico City earlier this month with former president Rafael Correa. “This was an under-the-table meeting to...
Lunes, 25/4/2022 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Casa Yangoe: un espacio para el comercio justo y el esparcimiento (Casa Yangoe: a space for fair trade and recreation) – Casa Yangoe started in Quito 7 years ago and opened in Cuenca in 2021. You can buy products from an association of campesinos (country people), artisans, and...
By Mary Harrington In 1515, Pope Leo X issued a papal bull stipulating that all published material translated from Hebrew, Greek, Arabic and Chaldaic into Latin, or from Latin into the vernacular, should be moderated by sensitivity readers. Without such precautions, the document declared, harmful content and fake news would flourish. Printers would be free...
The government is blaming staff shortages and supply problems for long delays in delivering cedulas,  passports and drivers’ licenses. The National Civil Registry office says it is processing more than 360,000 requests for cedulas and passports with the waiting time from application to delivery averaging three months. Transportation Ministry officials report similar delays for driver’s...
The National Police have arrested 18 men suspected of assisting a criminal organization with ties to Mexican and Colombian drugs cartels. Those arrested are also suspected of participating in drug-related murders and several “acts of terrorism.” The detainees, identified by police as being associated with the Los Tiguerones gang, include three police officers in active...
By Alexandra Valencia An Ecuadorian court chief on Friday signed a request seeking the extradition of ex-President Rafael Correa from Belgium to serve an eight-year jail term for bribery, although the former leader’s spokespersons said Brussels had granted him asylum. An Ecuadorian court sentenced Correa to eight years in prison in 2020, accusing him and...
By Amiah Taylor As the nation calls for President Joe Biden to ramp up taxes on the wealthy, crypto millionaires are creating their own tax-free havens in Central America. The draw of creating small crypto-backed utopias in Latin America is the freedom from both taxes and regulations. At the forefront of this movement is the...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Fund Grace News

Amazon eco lodge News