
Miércoles, 7/8/2024 Hola, Todos – Actividades – 3 días de música en el cantón Sígsig (3 days of music in Sígsig canton) – National and international artists will perform in Sígsig as part of the vacation season. The schedule started miércoles. “Sígsig fest 2” will be el viernes starting a las 20:00 in the playas...
By Cynthia J. Arnson In the two years since he took office, Colombian President Gustavo Petro has riled U.S.-Colombian relations, chipping away at nearly a quarter century of steady U.S. bipartisan support. It should not surprise that the nation’s first leftist president would seek to shake things up both internally and in the global arena....
By John Olson Azuay Community Theater will close its 2023-24 season of six plays with the award-winning Pulitzer Prize finalist dramatic comedy The Waverly Gallery, by the Academy award winning screenwriter and playwright Kenneth Lonergan. ACT’s Bob Fry is directing the play, which will be performed August 15-18 in the company’s theater at 14-48 Antonio...
Ecuador’s Foreign Ministry said Tuesday it will not release former vice president Jorge Glas from prison and grant him safe passage to Mexico. The decision followed a new request from the Mexican government which says it will grant Glas political asylum. In its statement, the ministry said that the former vice president is serving a...
By Virginia Hogan As someone whose hand cramps easily, I get the struggle: I want to get off my laptop, but a notebook feels too painful. And slow! But there are some surprising benefits to this old-fashioned way of getting thoughts on paper. Here, I wanted to consider the cases for and against documenting all...
By Anatoly Kurmanaev For the Venezuelan government, everything seemed to be falling in place. Francisco Torrealba, a senior ruling party official, described being in an electoral command center in the country’s capital, Caracas, on Election Day last month, watching the computer monitors with confidence as the presidential vote neared its close. The charts showed that...
By Sarah Barrell Travel in August is all about being canny. It’s a prime time to be in Europe but you need to be nimble to avoid the crowds and escalating prices across the Med and beaches radiating beyond. It’s worth thinking of alternatives if you want more than a packed fly-and-flop beach break or...
Lunes, 5/8/2024 Hola, Todos – Titular – Plan evitaría muertes de migrantes hacia EE.UU. (Plan would prevent deaths of migrants on their way to U.S.) – The Embassy of the US presented an initiative called #Piénsalobien (#ThinkWell – #Think hard about it?”). Its objective is to keep migrants from risking their lives by going to...
By Tatyana Woodall For those looking to learn a new language, the process can feel daunting, especially as an adult. It’s long been thought that the earlier you learn new skills, the easier they are to pick up. The idea that age can play a huge role in a person’s language learning ability is one of...
By Liam Higgins Criminal gangs operating in Ecuador’s coastal provinces have an “endless supply” of fresh recruits among the region’s teenagers, according to a University of Guayaquil psychology professor. “Most of these teenagers are high school dropouts,” says Vicente Naranjo. “Because they have some basic education, they are valuable to the gangs.” Naranjo cites statistics...
Ecuador’s Constitutional Court on Friday approved most of President Daniel Noboa latest emergency declaration for six provinces. The Court had rejected two previous declarations but said the government’s new claim of “serious internal commotion” was valid. Noboa had declared the current state of emergency on July 2 for Guayas, Los Ríos, Manabí, Orellana, Santa Elena,...
Ecuador joined the U.S., Argentina, Uruguay, Peru, Panama and Costa Rica over the weekend in recognizing Edmundo González as the winner of last Sunday’s presidential election in Venezuela. Although the Venezuelan elections commission claims Nicolás Maduro was reelected with a 52% majority, only a handful of countries are accepting the results. Before leaving for a...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Amazon eco lodge News