
Following the shutdown of its Heavy Crude Oil Pipeline (OCP), Petroecuador has declared force majeure to protect it against fines and penalties for delayed oil shipments. The declaration follows erosion on the Coca River that exposed 140 meters of the previously buried pipeline. While work continues to reroute the pipeline, Petroecuador says oil production has...
By Abbie VanSickle and Jim Tankersley The Supreme Court on Thursday upheld a tax on foreign income over a challenge backed by business and anti-regulatory interests, declining their invitation to weigh in on a broader, never-enacted tax on wealth. The justices, by a 7-2 vote, left in place a provision of a 2017 tax law that is expected to generate $340 billion, mainly...
By Rich Westcott Do you like to sing? What do you think of a choir that not only sings in Cuenca but in many towns around Cuenca? One that exposes you to other people and places in Ecuador? I’m speaking of the Archbishop’s Choir here at the cathedral. My wife and I have been members...
The United Works Front (FUT) will go ahead with its July 4 protests against the elimination of gasoline subsidies despite the agreement announced Tuesday between the transport unions and the government. “We will take to the streets to voice our rejection of the government’s decision and with all its neoliberal policies,” said FUT President Jose...
Wednesday, 19/6/2024 Hello, Everyone – I will be taking a vacation next week from Monday, 24/6 and be back either Monday, 1/7 or Wednesday 3/7 depending on how long it takes me to recover from the vacation. Activities- From El Mercurio on Tuesday, 18/6 (4 articles): Music for every taste in a week of concerts...
Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva on Monday urged his government to speed up actions in the Amazon to combat organized crime that has contributed to destruction of the world’s largest tropical rainforest. Lula complained that it had taken a year for a security plan for the Amazon, known as AMAS, to get off...
Ecuador experienced a massive electric blackout Wednesday afternoon that left most of the country’s 17 million people without power. Electric power went out shortly after 3 and was restored for most customers by 6:30. In a news conference, Energy Minister Roberto Luque claimed the blackout was unrelated to weekend floods that put three hydroelectric generation...
After reaching an agreement with taxi and passenger van companies, the government late Monday announced details of its plan to eliminate subsidies for Extra and Ecopaís brands of gasoline. Prices will increase in two phases, the first coming at the end of June. Economic Minister Zaida Rovira said the elimination of the subsidies “will allow...
Verónica Sarauz, widow of assassinated presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio, called the National Assembly report on the murder of her husband “malicious and negligent” for not naming the masterminds of the crime. In an interview on television station Ecuavisa, Sarauz said the report was a “cover-up” of a political crime involving elected officials working with criminals....
By Mary Johnston My name is Mary. I am pleading for your help to save the life of my friend. The photo is of my beautiful friend (inside and out) Maria Jose and her daughter, my goddaughter, Amelia. Maria Jose, we call her Majo, is the director of an amazing charity, Hearts of Gold, in...
Ecuador on Tuesday announced the suspension of an agreement with China that had waived visas for Chinese citizens traveling to the South American country, citing a “worrying” increase in irregular migration. Ecuador’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement that the suspension of the bilateral agreement is temporary and would start on July 1. It added...
Energy Minister Roberto Luque admitted Monday that lack of coordination between his office and local power companies was confusing utility customers. “We are all frustrated by the poorly planned communication,” he said, promising that future messaging will be coordinated. Luque’s apology followed conflicting reports sent out by power companies in Quito and other cities, in...

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Hogar Esperanza – News

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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