
Sábado, 8/6/2024 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Artesanías y cultura (Crafts and culture) – There will be a Feria Artesanal y Cultural in the Galería Vitrina (Pres. Córdova 7-23 y Luis Cordero) at the Casa de la Cultura on el 15 & 16/6. Organized by the Asociación de Artesanos y Emprendedores AYNI, the fair will...
Ecuadorian Indigenous organizations and environmental advocacy groups on Wednesday protested state-run oil company Petroecuador, saying it is failing to comply with a court order to shut gas flares in the Amazon, though the government said it was closing them. In 2021, a provincial tribunal in Sucumbios province ordered Petroecuador and a handful of private operators...
Three days after the National Electricity Operator (Cenace) warned that more electric blackouts are possible, Ecuador’s Energy Minister Roberto Luque announced Friday that the blackouts are over. “We are finished with the power cuts due to the lack of electric generation capacity,” he said Friday afternoon. “I see no need for scheduled service interruptions in...
By Arthur Nelson More than $100 billion of public money has been awarded to private investors in investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) courts, according to the most comprehensive analysis yet. The controversial arbitration system which allows corporations to sue governments for compensation over decisions they argue affect their profits is largely carried out behind closed doors,...
By Emily Mae Czachor The United States has sanctioned Los Lobos, a powerful crime gang based in Ecuador with ties to violence across the country and drug trafficking in the surrounding region, the U.S. Treasury Department announced on Thursday. Los Lobos also has a rapidly growing presence in Peru, the Treasury Department said. Sanctions were...
Planning for the elimination of gasoline subsidies is underway and will be implemented within a matter of months, according to Deputy Government Minister Esteban Torres. “This is not something we are planning for next year or sometime in the future, it is a change that is coming very soon.” The subsidy elimination will apply first...
Electric power cuts could resume in July or August, the National Electricity Operator (Cenace) warned Tuesday. “Due to weather-related circumstances at the country’s electricity generation plants, it is possible that more scheduled outages will occur until February 2025,” Cenace said in statement. “As the dry season progresses, it is not possible to guarantee the continuous...
By Tobias Käufer It came as a small shock to exporters: According to local media reports, recently banned the import of Guatemalan coffee and other goods. There was no official explanation. Guatemalan President Bernardo Arevalo, however, presumed that there was a connection to his country’s ties with. “We will take care of it,” Arevalo said....
By Sylvan Hardy The surge of killings in Manta is the result of a turf war between the Los Lobos and Choneros gangs, according to the crime monitoring service InSight Crime. “Los Lobos and its Mexican partner, the Jalisco New Generation cartel, is taking advantage of the fact that the Choneros’ leader is on the...
By John Olson From Thursday June 13 through Sunday, June 16, Cuenca’s own English-language expat theater company, Azuay Community Theater, brings the comedic gem Murder at the Howard Johnson’s to life in Ecuador, promising an evening of laughter and unexpected twists. Performances will be at the theater at Antonio Vega Muñoz 14-46 in El Centro....
By Mina Elwell When you’re planning to spend time away from home, one of the most important things you need to pack is your prescription medications. However, not all countries have the same regulations on medications, and depending on where you’re going, medications that you were given completely legally by a doctor in one country...
Martes, 4/6/2024 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Sinfónica en Gala Lírica (Symphony in Lyric Gala) – The Orquesta Sinfónica de Cuenca (OSC) is performing a Lyric Gala this coming viernes a las 20:00 in the Teatro Pumapungo. The program will include soloists Ruth Díaz and Diego Zamora singing arias from operas by Verdi, Tchaikovski, Puccini...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Amazon eco lodge News

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