
Lunes, 18/3/2024 Hola, Todos – Titular – Enfermedades raras en el país suman 106 (Rare diseases in the country total 106) – The death of Paola Roldán on el 12/3 rekindled the debate in Ecuador on rare diseases, the suffering of those afflicted, and the possibility for those patients to opt for suicide. Roldán was...
By Miguel Lo Bianco Archaeologists have discovered the earliest dated cave paintings in South America in Argentine Patagonia, dating back 8,200 years. The 895 paintings were found by Argentine and Chilean archaeologists in the Huenul 1 cave, a 630 square meter rock shelter located in the province of Neuquen, some 1,100 kilometers (684 miles) southwest of...
By Erika Mouynes The US presidential campaigns this year are expected to see more than $10bn spent on advertisements, and the main issue will almost certainly be immigration. A popular social media hashtag related to Latin America in the US has been #securetheborder. Fear helps fuel voters. By the end of 2024, it seems likely that...
Foreign Minister Gabriela Sommerfeld said Saturday that Ecuador is experiencing a “vastly improved crime scenario” in 2024 compared to 2023. “The United Nations just reported the impressive progress we have made in combatting illegal drug crime,” she said Saturday in an interview with Guayaquil newspaper Expreso. “It is good see our efforts being recognized.” “The...
Domingo, 17/3/2024 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De El Mercurio del sábado, 17/3 (1 article): Sembrarán 100 mil plantas nativas por el Día del Agua (100,000 native plants to be planted for Water Day) – The City of Cuenca with EMAC (a municipal business) and the Gobierno Provincial announced the “Siembratón es vida 2024” campaign...
The Attorney General’s office filed corruption charges against 13 people on Friday, including former National Assemblyman Ronny Aleaga and ordered their arrests. Aleaga, a member of the Correista Citizen’s Revolution party is the second assemblyman facing criminal charges following last week’s arrest of Social Christian Assemblyman Pablo Muentes. Attorney General Diana Salazar announced last week...
By Saskia O’Donoghue Málaga locals are frustrated by the growing influx of tourists and now they’re expressing their feelings in no uncertain terms. The Spanish city’s centre has been hit with a wave of stickers, posted on walls and doors, telling visitors what residents think of them. Walk the streets of Málaga and you’ll see these...
Viernes, 15/3/2024 Hola, Todos – I hope you all had a happy Pi Day yesterday (March 14=3/14=3.14159). I celebrated with pizza and made a rhubarb pie. There were 2 packages of rhubarb at the Coral on Wed. afternoon, so unless they restocked, now there aren’t any. I didn’t post Periodicos on lunes or miércoles because...
By Garry Vatcher An article posted on this site earlier in the week has stirred up a lot of questions about tax filing requirements in Ecuador. The article was based on the advice of a Cuenca accountant but, as many of us have learned, if you ask five professionals about any issue in Ecuador, you’re...
Peruvian authorities have arrested 18 people as part of an investigation into an arms trafficking ring and its role in the 2023 assassination of an Ecuadorian presidential candidate. At least 600 police officers raided homes and offices in Lima and in the Tumbes, Cajamarca and Piura regions along Peru’s border with Ecuador on Wednesday. Among...
By Juan Elman Salvadoran street vendor Maria earned just $10 selling sweets and handicrafts today – a particularly bad day. It’s half of what she usually gets: $20 on average; $25 if she’s lucky. “Sales are not good. There is tourism in the area, but people don’t come to the village,” she tells openDemocracy in...
Ecuador’s Health Ministry reported Thursday that the country has recorded seven deaths and more than 8,000 cases of mosquito-borne dengue fever since the beginning of 2024. As the rainy season begins in the coastal region of the country, more cases are expected in what health officials say is the worst outbreak in years. They say...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Amazon eco lodge News