
Viernes, 23/2/2024 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Taller de acuarela – There will be a watercolor workshop every jueves in marzo from 10:30-12:30 <Ending time perfect for going out to lunch somewhere in El Centro afterwards. Think maybe it was planned for that?> in the Museo de las Conceptas. The class is dedicated for women...
By Emilee Coblentz A giant anaconda species thought to be the largest in the world has been captured deep in the Amazon of Ecuador by a team of scientists from The University of Queensland. The group of scientists, led by professor Bryan Fry, uncovered the nearly 10 million-year-old species with help from the indigenous Huaorani...
By Alan Feuer and Natalie Kitroeff American law enforcement officials spent years looking into allegations that allies of Mexico’s president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, met with and took millions of dollars from drug cartels after he took office, according to U.S. records and three people familiar with the matter. The inquiry, which has not been previously reported, uncovered...
In interviews on Wednesday and Thursday, President Daniel Noboa said “Ecuador is finally on the right track.” He claimed that his emergency declaration to fight organized crime and narco-trafficking is “showing impressive progress.” “The work to restore security to the country and reactive the economy is underway, but we know this will take time to...
National Assembly President Henry Kronfle said Thursday night he will decide later whether to convene another session to consider legislation to strengthen the country’s criminal code. “After the dysfunction we witnessed today, I may simply allow it to die,” he said after he gaveled the session closed at 1 p.m.” He added: “It’s a shame...
By Carolina Mejia-Mantilla  David is a computer engineer who arrived in Ecuador in 2018 after being forced to leave Venezuela. Due to the lack of regular documentation, he could not find a job related to his profession, so he learned carpentry instead. He now works with Alexander, who is an Ecuadorian carpenter. “People from Venezuela...
By Anthony Boadle and Ricardo Brito Border tensions over Guyana’s Esequibo and the humanitarian crisis among the Yanomami Indigenous people have led Brazil’s army to increase its forces in the Amazon by 10% ahead of plan, the military commander for the region told Reuters. The additional 2,000 troops will help the army patrol a 9,000 km border with...
Although party leaders say the agreement to work together in the National Assembly remains intact, sharp division are developing between the Correista Citizens Revolution (RC) bloc, the Social Christians (PSC) and the National Democratic Action (ADN) parties. Increasingly, Citizens Revolution finds itself isolated on such as issues as the criminal code reform currently being debated....
Miércoles, 21/2/2024 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Concierto sinfonico – The Orquesta Sinfónica de Cuenca will present its 7th concert of the year el 23/2 in the Teatro Casa de la Cultura. The program will include works by Dvorak and Brahms. Free. Exposición artesanal – A show of products by artisans from Chordeleg and Gualaceo...
U.S. Treasury Assistant Secretary Brent Neiman is holding meetings with government officials and private sector leaders in Ecuador this week as the South American country seeks U.S. financial support amid escalating violence. The visit by Neiman, Treasury’s top official on international finance, is the latest by U.S. officials to Ecuador as Washington works to boost...
By Maria Abi-Habib, Annie Correal and Jack Nicas Ecuador’s military was sent in to seize control of the country’s prisons last month after two major gang leaders escaped and criminal groups quickly set off a nationwide revolt that paralyzed the country. In Brazil last week, two inmates with connections to a major gang became the first to escape from one of...
Claiming government officials are delaying action to end oil production in Yasuní National Park, two environmental groups have asked the Constitutional Court to intervene. In May 2024, 58% of Ecuadorians voted to end oil operations in the park by August 31 of this year. Acción Ecológica, which includes the Cuenca-based Yasunidos Collective and Quito’s Sin...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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