
Calling it a “critically important link to the coast,” Azuay Province Prefect Juan Cristóbal Lloret is demanding that the government make immediate repairs to the Cuenca-Girón-Machala highway. The highway has been closed repeatedly recently as a result of heavy rain. “This roadway has been neglected for years and we see the result in the past...
According to former vice president Otto Sonnenholzner, it is time for President Daniel Noboa to provide a “detailed roadmap” of his plans to fight crime and improve the economy. “The country is in crisis and we need to understand how this government intends to respond,” says Sonnenholzner. “We need specifics, not generalities.” Sonnenholzner, who was...
By Rachel Fairbank Even if you are a long-time smoker, there are some surprising, and even immediate, benefits to quitting. Every year, half a million Americans die from smoking-related causes, while an estimated 16 million Americans are living with smoking-related chronic health conditions, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, heart disease, stroke, or cancer. Although the...
Ecuador’s hydroelectric generation plants are operating at their highest level in more than three months, the Energy Ministry reported Sunday. As a result of recent rains in the intermountain valley and in the eastern foothills of the Andes, the generation facilities were running at 92% capacity as of Sunday. “We have enjoyed a week of...
By Rhett Butler In 1997, ornithologist Robert S. Ridgely discovered a previously undocumented bird species, the Jocotoco Antpitta (Grallaria ridgelyi), in the tropical montane forests on the Amazonian slope of the Andes in southeastern Ecuador. This ground-dwelling bird was immediately recognized as critically endangered due to its very small range and the threats to its...
The detention in France of a charter plane bound for Nicaragua has renewed attention on the Central American nation’s role as a springboard for migrants from across the world seeking to make their way to the United States. The flight, which left the United Arab Emirates on 21 December with 303 passengers of Indian nationality, was grounded...
By Sylvan Hardy Journalists are unanimous in their verdict that 2023 was not a good year for Ecuador. The headlines highlighted surging drug violence, the assassination of presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio, political gridlock in the National Assembly, the cross death, the surprise election of Daniel Noboa as president, a vote to end oil production in...
Bolivia’s Constitutional Court has disqualified former president Evo Morales from running for re-election in 2025, reversing a ruling that had let him seek a fourth term in 2019. It said on its website that term limits provide “an ideal measure for ensuring that someone does not perpetuate themself in power.” Bolivia’s first Indigenous president, Morales...
The Foreign Exchange Exit Tax (ISD) will remain at 3.5% and will not drop to 2% on December 31, as planned by former President Guillermo Lasso. President Daniel Noboa said Thursday he is “pausing” further reductions in the tax as a result of Ecuador’s budget crisis. The ISD applies to all funds over $1,000 transferred...
Energy Minister Andrea Arrobo announced Friday that electric power blackouts have been suspended until January 15 and could be extended further depending on weather conditions. Previously, the Ministry had planned to resume blackouts on January 2. Arrobo said recent rainfall in the inter-mountain valley and the Eastern slope of the Andes prompted the change of...
By Weronika Strzyżyńska and Iñigo Alexander “Instead of eating a bag of crisps or Cheetos, I’ll go to the fruit section of the supermarket,” says Liliana Cano, a 43-year-old shopper at a supermarket in Bogotá. “But sometimes I still have a soft drink, as a little treat.” Colombia became one of the first countries in...
By Emily Sohn It happens to everyone. With age come discomforts: achy joints, wounds that heal more slowly, and a rising risk for cancers, heart disease, dementia, arthritis, and other illnesses. Those changes follow an uptick in inflammatory molecules over the course of a lifetime, according to a large and growing body of research. The...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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