
By Rebecca Dyer Cognitive decline is less likely in those who follow a Mediterranean diet, according to a French study of 840 people aged 65 and over. Dementia such as Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative conditions often start with cognitive decline, which is a slow loss of mental abilities. Research suggests that eating habits, especially the Mediterranean diet, may...
By John Raby When those of us of a certain age were in school, we learned that the Monroe Doctrine committed the United States to protect the independence of Latin American nations, which had just freed themselves from Spanish and Portuguese rule. While it granted European nations the right to keep whatever colonies they still...
Law enforcement and citizen security will be the focus of a referendum President Daniel Noboa will present to voters in February or March 2024. “The questions will ask voters to approve stronger measures to fight the drug cartels and to make our neighborhoods safer,” says Diego Matovelle, National Assembly member representing Noboa’s Democratic Action party....
A day after being sworn into office, President Daniel Noboa has ordered the repeal of controversial guidelines established a decade ago that eliminated penalties for people found carrying illegal drugs in small amounts. The repeal fulfilled a campaign promise by Noboa to fight drug trafficking by reducing barriers to the arrest and conviction of drug...
By Stephen Vargha Enter the operations room of ECU911 and it looks like it could be the war room scene from the 1964 Stanley Kubrick movie, “Dr. Strangelove.” But there is no General “Buck” Turgidson (George C. Scott) screaming, “He’ll see the Big Board!” Nor is President Merkin Muffley (Peter Sellers) presiding in the room,...
Viernes, 24/11/2023 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Agenda cultural – 24/11, 10:00 – Workshop on creative writing – Manuel Muñoz Library. 25/11, 14:30 – Book event – Memorias de mi embarazo (Memories of my pregnancy) – ‘Catalina Sojos’ Auditorium. 26/11, 8:00 – Exposition – Chúa Fest – parque Paraiso. 27/11, 9:00 – Show – Creative...
By Carolina Mella When Guillermo Lasso stepped down as president on Thursday, he had been in office for 913 days. During this period, Ecuador gradually collapsed politically, socially and economically. The state of affairs has become so extreme and rapid that for the first time in history the president had to resort to activating the...
While recent rains have boosted electric generation at the Coca Codo Sinclair hydroelectric plant on the Rio Coca, drought conditions to the south continue to restrict production at the Rio Paute facilities. “Although we are operating at 75% to 80% of capacity at Coca Codo, low water conditions keep generation on the Rio Paute below...
In an inaugural speech lasting only eight minutes, President Daniel Noboa said he will lead a “new Ecuador” guided by new ideas. “We respect experience and maturity; however, youth is synonymous with strength, and this will dictate our path forward,” he said. “Ecuador has gone through very difficult times in recent years, with huge economic...
Author’s note: The is the second of a multi-part series about medical marijuana. By Garnett Stewart Last week, I detailed why and how a conservative provider changed her mind and lifestyle to become a medicinal marijuana user. I never used this product for over 40 years; therefore, the following information will serve as a review...
By Harrsion Pierce Peru is famous for many things, but two stand out – adventure and food. Peru is famously home to one of the New Seven Wonders of the World, Machu Picchu. And it’s not all nature and history; in the 2023 edition of The World’s 50 Best Restaurants, Peru holds four spots (including...
Miércoles, 22/11/2023 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Molleturo con recorrido por ´Camino de García Moreno’ (Molleturo with a tour of ‘Camino de García Moreno’) – Molleturo parish is offering a new tourist route to the “bold and fearless” to enjoy contact with nature and the history of the city. Although there is only one section...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Fund Grace News