
Viernes, 8/9/2023 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Agenda cultural – 9/9 a las 16:00 – Projección, Cantar con sentido – Casa de las Posadas. 13/9 a las 8:00 – Muestra, Máscaras, arte y cultura – Casa del Alfarero. 15/9 a las 20:00 – Concierto – Orquesta Sinfónica de Cuenca – Teatro Pumapungo. Titular – Radares:...
By Stacey Leasca An indigenous-owned tour company is offering something special to female travelers. In 2024, Alpaca Expeditions, a company specializing in sustainable travel in Peru, is launching its first-ever women-only Sacred Valley and Salkantay tour to Machu Picchu. According to tour operators, the seven-day hiking tour will provide guests with a mix of scenery...
By Blane Bachelor While it’s not quite a mass exodus, the number of Americans who live outside the US is not insignificant. About 9 million US citizens may live overseas, according to a 2020 State Department estimate. And about 15% of Americans polled by Gallup in 2022 said they wanted to leave the US permanently. According to those who...
By Michele Bertelli A decade after Indigenous leader Alicia Cahuiya made a speech in Ecuador’s parliament to protest against oil exploration in the Amazon basin, she finally has something to celebrate. In a first-of-its-kind national referendum last month, Ecuadorians voted to halt oil operations in Ishpingo-Tambococha-Tiputini (43-ITT) block in the Yasuní Amazon reserve, where production...
By Eliza Relman In her 20s, Sara Hoy made close friends in her Central Pennsylvania hometown through an organization called Third Place. The group, named after what sociologists call any social setting that’s not home (the first place) or work (the second), was led by a local church leader and sought to help young professionals...
Miércoles, 6/9/2023 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Martes de cine francés vuelve en septiembre (French Film Tuesdays returns in September) – The Alianza Francesa de Cuenca (calle Tadeo Torres y av. Solano) is organizing its ‘Martes de cine francés’ events this month. 3 films, produced in the last 3 years in France, will be shown...
President Guillermo Lasso said Wednesday that oil production will continue in Block 43 of Yasuní National Park for the remainder of his presidency. He described as “inapplicable” results of the August 20 referendum ordering an end oil extraction in the area. His comments, made in a meeting with leaders of the Waoranis and Kichwa Amazonian...
By Michael Stott Transnational criminal gangs have become such a serious problem in Latin America that they are damaging the region’s overall economic performance, according to a top IMF official. Rodrigo Valdés, the fund’s western hemisphere director, said governments in the region needed to work together to fight the illegal groups, whose activities — including...
Presidential candidates Luisa González and Daniel Noboa are focusing on young voters in what analysts are calling an unusually “quiet” campaign ahead of the October 15 runoff. “We are living in a new moment in Ecuadorian politics with everyone suddenly paying attention to the youth vote — and they should,” says former presidential campaign manager...
While the pace of arrests and drug seizures has increased, Interior Minister Juan Zapata said Tuesday that the next government must reform Ecuador’s justice system. “Again and again, we see dangerous criminals going free due to technicalities,” he said. “It is time to make changes to our judicial process and put the interests of citizens...
The international crime-tracking service InSight Crime reports that more than a third of the cocaine produced in Colombia is destined for Ecuadorian shipping ports. In addition, large quantities of cocaine from Peru and Bolivia also ship out of Ecuador. “Cocaine trafficking is the main driver of Ecuador’s criminal economy,” InSight says in a new report....
Lunes, 4/9/2023 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De El Mercurio del sábado, 2/9 (1 article): Inician conciertos de la Sinfónica (Symphony concerts begin) – On el 8/9, the Orquesta Sinfónica de Cuenca will start its 2nd season of free concerts a las 18:00 in the Girón church. The next concert will be el 15/9 a...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Fund Grace News

Amazon eco lodge News

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