
Ecuador’s Constitutional Court has temporarily suspended President Guillermo Lasso’s decree allowing environmental consultations for mining and oil projects, which sought to speed up permitting before the end of his presidential term in November. In its decision, the court sided with the country’s largest indigenous organization, Conaie, which challenged the decree issued in May. The group...
By Kwan Wei Kevin Ta People around the world may fear the gray hairs, crow’s feet, and stagnation that come with a midlife crisis. But millennials in China fear hitting an age milestone thought to be a death sentence for one’s career: 35. These anxieties have been summed up in the phrase “Curse of 35,”...
President Guillermo Lasso was booed and heckled during a short visit to a Cuenca health clinic Wednesday afternoon. Although the visit was not publicly announced, dozens of local residents gathered as the president was leaving the public health facility in San Joaquín and began to shout questions and insults. A woman in the crowd demanded...
Miércoles, 2/8/2023 Hola, Todos – Actividades – “Ruta del trigo, mishqui y pan” une a Nabón y Oña (“Wheat, mishqui and bread route” links Nabón and Oña) – This route is the result of a family’s research into the production chain for wheat in the cantons of Nabón and Oña, in the south part of...
By Jonathan Watts Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon fell by at least 60% in July compared to the same month last year, the environment minister, Marina Silva, has told the Guardian. The good news comes ahead of a regional summit that aims to prevent South America’s largest biome from hitting a calamitous tipping point. The...
According to Colombian news media, a candidate for Ecuador’s National Assembly may be a key player in the scandal involving President Gustavo Petro’s son, Nicolás Petro. According to the magazine Semana, Raisa Vulgarín, a Citizens Revolution candidate to be a National Assembly alternate member, assisted in laundering illegal drug money intended for Gustavo Petro’s 2022...
Twenty-four of 25 restaurants recently closed for unsanitary conditions in Ecuador were chifas, the government health control agency Arcsa said Tuesday. Four of the 24 serving a Chinese menu were in the Av. Remigio Crespo sector of Cuenca, the agency reported. According to Arcsa director Germán Toapanta, more than 230 restaurants nationwide were inspected in...
By Garry Vatcher After driving all night, 20 hours in total, we made it to Esmeraldas on Saturday around noon. We took the long way, as we had to make a quick stop in Tulcan. I prefer entering Esmeraldas from Ibarra. The scenery along the road from Ibarra to San Lorenzo is stunningly beautiful. Where...
By Carlos Maldonado At the beginning of July, the government of El Salvador activated its diplomatic machinery to stop the presentation of a work at the International Book Fair of Guatemala, the largest literary event in Central America. Populist President Nayib Bukele’s officials demanded that the collection of stories — Sustancia de hígado [Liver Substance],...
Lunes, 31/7/2023 Hola, Todos – Titular – Un paso deprimido se proyecta en Miraflores (New underpass planned for Miraflores) – The City is planning a new underpass for av. De Las Américas at the redondel with av. Turuhuayco in 2024. This project was conceived as a complement to the underpass at the Los Choferes gas...
Nicolas Petro, son of Colombian President Gustavo Petro, has been arrested as part of an investigation into money laundering and illicit enrichment, the attorney general’s office said early on Saturday. The younger Petro, a politician in Atlantico province, had welcomed the investigation when it began in March and has previously called accusations that he took...
According to composite results of nine opinion polls, Luisa González of the Citizens Revolution is closing in on a first-round victory in the presidential cross death election. She leads the field of eight candidates with the support of 38.8% of respondents, far ahead of second- and third-place candidates, Otto Sonnenholzner, at 14.7% and Yaku Pérez,...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Fund Grace News