
Lunes, 31/7/2023 Hola, Todos – Titular – Un paso deprimido se proyecta en Miraflores (New underpass planned for Miraflores) – The City is planning a new underpass for av. De Las Américas at the redondel with av. Turuhuayco in 2024. This project was conceived as a complement to the underpass at the Los Choferes gas...
Nicolas Petro, son of Colombian President Gustavo Petro, has been arrested as part of an investigation into money laundering and illicit enrichment, the attorney general’s office said early on Saturday. The younger Petro, a politician in Atlantico province, had welcomed the investigation when it began in March and has previously called accusations that he took...
According to composite results of nine opinion polls, Luisa González of the Citizens Revolution is closing in on a first-round victory in the presidential cross death election. She leads the field of eight candidates with the support of 38.8% of respondents, far ahead of second- and third-place candidates, Otto Sonnenholzner, at 14.7% and Yaku Pérez,...
By Stacy Colino The words probiotics, prebiotics, and postbiotics may sound like variations of the same thing, but what a difference a prefix makes. The first is a category of health-promoting microbes. The latter two groups are types of beneficial molecules. But all three biotics are critical for supporting the community of microscopic organisms that...
By Luke Taylor Nayib Bukele’s government has already locked up 2% of El Salvador’s adult population and built the largest prison in the Americas to house the 70,000 alleged gang members he has imprisoned. Now the populist leader has cleared the way for mass trials of hundreds of people at a time as he steps up his...
Viernes, 28/7/2023 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Presentación de obra (Presentation of work) – On el 2/8 a las 18:30, the Cuencano writer Carlos Vásconez will launch his new novel, “El hijo de las dos memorias,” in the Casa de la Lira (calle La Condomine, next to the Plazoleta del Vado). Poet Issa Aguilar Jara...
By David Morrill and Deke Castleman What do expats — especially those from the U.S. — think about using the U.S. dollar in Ecuador? Not much, frankly, although it’s hard to deny that it makes life easier. We don’t have to worry about exchange rates or go through the hassle of trading dollars for a...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Amazon eco lodge News

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