Ecuador News

By Fernando Goya Although most of Ecuador’s indigenous community supports a “yes” vote in a referendum to end oil production in the Amazonian Yasuní National Park, a group of Waorani women staunchly oppose it. In fact, they plan to bar environmental activists supporting the referendum from entering their ancestral lands in the Amazon region, where...
The mayor of the Galapagos Islands largest community is blaming the government for “setting the islands back 100 years” due to supply shortages. Santa Cruz Mayor Fanny Uribe says Petroecuador and the Ministry of Transport should have responded immediately when one of the two supply ships serving the islands went out of service at the...
Land devoted to the cultivation of coca leaves in Peru increased by a staggering 18 percent between 2021 and 2022, with some 95,000 hectares (367 square miles) now being used to grow the raw ingredient for cocaine, the government’s anti-drug authorities have said. Though the cultivation of coca is legal for traditional purposes such as...
Ecuador and India signed the Artemis Accords last week in Washington, D.C., bringing the total number of countries that have agreed to sustainable and peaceful space exploration to 27. The Artemis Accords, which share their name with NASA’s Artemis program of moon exploration, are a framework co-authored by NASA and the U.S. Department of State that lays out...
Lunes, 26/6/2023 Hola, Todos – Titular – Últimos días para pago de patente (Last days to pay patente fees) – El 30/6 is the last day to pay the patente tax to the city for natural persons who are not required to keep accounting records and who have a RUC. Before making the payment, the...
Although Ecuador’s cross death elections are two months away, several candidates and their supporters are already talking about throwing their support to one of the top finishers in a runoff election. “Based on both public and private polling, everyone knows there will be a runoff,” says Ramiro Diaz, a supporter of former vice president Otto...
The U.S. State Department is advising travelers to exercise “extreme caution” if they visit Ecuador’s El Oro, Manabí, Santo Domingo, Los Ríos, Santa Elena, Cañar and Carchi provinces. In a statement issued last week, the State Department said that “robberies, kidnappings and violent deaths are common” in the seven provinces, recommending against all travel in...
Viernes, 23/6/2023 Hola, Todos – Actividades – E El Mercurio del jueves, 22/6 (1 article): Agenda Cultural – 24/6, 11:00 – Celebración of Inti Raymi – Museo Pumapungo. 26/6, 9:00 – Exposición, “Fuego y color” – Galería Vitrina. 29/6, 19:00 – Muestra (show), Bargueños – Casa del Alfarero. 30/6, 18:00 – Música, Batalla de Maestros...
By Fernando Gimeno Ecuador is facing a crucial moment for the future of its oil industry, a key pillar of the Andean nation’s economy. In a referendum scheduled to coincide with an early general election on Aug. 20, voters will decide whether or not to ban crude production at an Amazon block located within the...
President Guillermo Lasso announced Wednesday he is preparing a decree law to provide funding for damages caused by the developing El Niño weather system. “The experts tell us that this could be a devastating event, especially for the country’s coastal provinces, and possibly as bad as the 1998 event. We must anticipate its effects and...
By Susana Madera What once was a rugged mountain, covered with weeds and bushes, now has been transformed into a “living laboratory” with some 30,000 plants of assorted species and varieties planted on some 40 hectares (100 acres) in the Pablo Arenas parish in Ecuador’s Imbabura province. Formerly known as San Juan Hill, the site...
Although the official start of the cross death election campaign for president and National Assembly doesn’t begin until August 8, most candidates are already in the streets and on social media. In Cuenca this week, noisy processions for presidential candidates Yaku Pérez, Luisa González and Fernando Villavicencio on Calle Simon Bolivar culminated at Parque Calderon....

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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