Ecuador News

Miércoles, 21/6/2023 Hola, Todos – Titular – Inti Raymi, fiesta del sol y del maíz (Inti Raymi, festival of the sun and corn) – Inti Raymi or the Festival of the Sun is on el 21/6 and relates directly to the harvesting of typical products in the Andes. Cojitambo is a rural parish of Azogues...
By Robbie Lisa Freeman Not long ago, I travelled to Ecuador on a mythic quest to see as much of the country, its natural wonders, and its 1,600+ species of birds as possible over a 28-day trip. In short, to find my Shangri-La, my Utopia, my Garden of Eden! But where to start? Although the...
Refugees and displaced persons from other countries make up more than 3.2% of Ecuador’s population, according to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). The country ranks only behind Colombia and Peru in refugees in Latin America as a proportion of population. The largest group of refugees in Ecuador are from Venezuela, UNHCR says,...
By Carlos Ortega After months of angry charges and countercharges between President Lasso and the National Assembly, everything has turned eerily quiet in Quito. Even the noisy mouthpiece of the indigenous movement, Leonidas Iza, has dialed down the volume. The fact is, the vast majority of Ecuadorians support Lasso’s declaration of the cross death –...
By Belinda Smith Daniel dos Santos Costa spent his early 20s DJ’ing and promoting parties, concerts and festivals in Brazil — good times that would leave him with a painful legacy. While lugging heavy equipment around, as well as riding a motorbike and generally having bad posture, he hurt his lower back. And the pain...
Lunes, 19/6/2023 Hola, Todos – Cultura – De El Mercurio del sábado, 17/6 (1 article): Obras de tres marcas en Escaparate Creativo (Works of three brands in Escaparate Creativo) – Design and craft returns to Escaparate Creativo, a space in the lobby of the Municipio de Cuenca (Sucre between Begnino Malo y Cordero) with products...
Inti Raymi, which means “sun festival” in the Quechua language, was the Inca celebration of the northern solstice. To this day, it remains the most important annual event for Andean Indigenous cultures in the countries that formed the Incan empire, namely Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Argentina. Although Inti Raymi is officially June 24, the...
The Constitutional Court on Friday approved President Guillermo Lasso decree to increase the amount of exemptions taxpayers can claim but denied a second decree that would have established special tax-free zones to attract new businesses and generate investment. The tax exemptions decree increases to $15,294 the amount of exemptions taxpayers can claim and reverses an...
Sábado – 17/6/2023 Hola, Todos – Sorry, all – I wrote this last night (viernes) and am pretty sure I sent it. But I think it went to wherever it is that the one stray sock in a weeks worth of washing goes to keep company with all the missing clothes hangers. Actividades – De...
By Garry Vatcher To me, Esmeraldas is one of the most fascinating parts of Ecuador. Its natural beauty, pristine beaches and amazing people makes it special. Last year, I spent several weeks exploring this part of Ecuador. What disappointed me was the extreme poverty and lack of services. With almost 70% of the population living...
Ecuador is preparing to hold early general elections after president Guillermo Lasso dissolved the opposition-dominated National Assembly last month and called emergency elections under a so-called “cross death” decree. Under the decree, both the Assembly and the presidency are up for election, although Lasso has decided not to run again. The winners in the special...
Ecuador’s Chamber of Fisheries reports a 9% drop in fishing exports in 2023, most of it due to increasing water temperatures in the Pacific Ocean while small fishermen say their catches are down almost 30%. Experts say the numbers will continue to drop. “This is a situation we have seen before during El Niños,” says...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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