Ecuador News

Ecuador’s Attorney General has formally requested that former President Lenín Moreno and his wife Rocío González be held in preventive detention. Associate Attorney General Wilson Toainga made the request to criminal court Judge Mauricio Espinosa at a Wednesday hearing in Quito. Espinosa did not say when he would announce a decision. Moreno, his wife and...
President Guillermo Lasso will remain in the Armed Forces Hospital in Quito until at least Friday where he is recovering from a urinary tract infection. He was hospitalized Monday with a high fever and is receiving intravenous treatments and supplemental oxygen, his doctors say. According to the presidential press office, tests showed no heart or...
President Guillermo Lasso said he would dissolve the National Assembly and call early elections if he does not muster enough support among legislators ahead of a potential impeachment hearing, the Financial Times said on Tuesday. Although Lasso had earlier said invoking the so-called “cross death” was one of his options, this was the first time...
By Robert Sherman Much attention has been put on fixing the problems of drug cartels in Mexico, with the U.S. and European nations putting pressure on the Mexican government to crack down on them.  This has led some cartels’ operations to shift back to Colombia, where the illegal drug trade through the Caribbean and South...
Police are warning neighborhood organizations against taking the law into their own hands. The warning coincided with weekend rallies, marches and road blockages protesting robberies and extortion of businesses. In the Carmen de Guzho parish on Cuenca’s southside, residents gathered around a bonfire flanked with signs reading, “Danger, thieves will be caught and burned,” and...
Acknowledging this week’s escalation of violence, President Guillermo Lasso told CNN Friday that the latest killings in Emeraldas and Guayaquil indicate that criminal gangs are changing tactics. “We have made impressive progress in interrupting drug shipments out of our ports and this is forcing gangs into new criminal enterprises.” Lasso said that the installation of...
Problems on area highways are keeping buyers away from Cuenca holiday craft fairs, artisans say. “All the landslides and closures are hurting the traffic from the coast, which is where many of our customers come from,” says Quito jeweler Paul Ortiz. “Cuenca always has the best craft fairs, attracting the most people but when the...
President Guillermo Lasso announced Wednesday night the arrest of a man he described as the organizer of the massacre of nine fishing port workers in Esmeraldas. The president did not provide the suspect’s name, referring to him by his alias, El Coco, leader of Los Tiguerones criminal gang. “The suspect has identified others involved in...
Miércoles, 12/4/2023 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Feria de emprendedores en el Portal Artesanal (Entrepreneurs Fair at the Portal Artesanal) – The “Cuenca del Emprendimiento y la Artesanía” Feria will be this viernes y sábado in the Plaza del Portal Artesanal with 50 entrepreneurs, craftspeople and artists from different parts of the country. Hours will...
Opposition by indigenous communities in Ecuador is holding up some $1 billion of investments for constructing three mining projects in the South American country, an executive of the Ecuadorian Chamber of Mining said on Tuesday. Ecuador’s largest indigenous organization, CONAIE, last month asked the country’s top court to annul a government decree that sets parameters...
National Police and the armed forces are looking for as many as 30 men who murdered nine fishermen and injured five more in Esmeraldas Tuesday morning. The hooded “hit team” arrived on foot, by boat and taxi at a dock warehouse and opened fire. Several of the victims were shot in the water after they...
A team of botanists from Ecuador, Germany, and the United States has described two new species of carnivorous plants with striking appearance. They are part of the butterworts (genus Pinguicula), a group of flowering plants with about 115 species that can catch and digest small insects with their sticky leaves. Whereas the majority of butterwort...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Fund Grace News

Amazon eco lodge News