Ecuador News

By Luis Ortiz In the nearly two years since Guillermo Lasso, a millionaire and conservative banker, won the presidency in Ecuador, the region has changed considerably. Left-wing leaders have won election after election, including in neighbouring Colombia, which had been the United States’s primary strategic ally in the hemisphere for decades. This far-reaching geopolitical shift...
Viernes, 13/3/2023 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De El Mercurio del sábado, 11/3 (1 article): Turi, el encanto nocturno (Turi, the nocturnal charm) – Miriam Cabrera, a business owner in Turi, said that even before the area was renovated, the businesses had already started reactivating at nights. However, most visitors still come in the daytime....
By James Bosworth Though Peru’s protests are nowhere near over, they have entered a quiet lull in recent weeks. But the rest of Peru’s neighbors in the Andes are now experiencing their own political challenges, with the presidents of Ecuador, Colombia and Bolivia having all hit their own rough patches in recent weeks. While the...
Leonidas Iza, President of the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (Conaie), admitted Friday there is a “significant divergence of opinion” among organizations representing the country’s indigenous and poor population. He also criticized what he calls the “demonization” of the motives of the indigenous movement by the government and popular media. In radio and newspaper...
At least nine people have died in Peru as a powerful cyclone unleashed torrential rains, battering hundreds of homes and causing major disruptions in northern areas. Meanwhile, the effects of the cyclone have subsided in Ecuador, where at least three deaths have been reported from flooding as a result of intense rains. Named Yaku, the circulating...
Viernes, 10/3/2023 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Cómics africanos, de lucha social hasta futuristas (African comics, from social struggle to futuristic comics) – The Alianza Francesa de Cuenca has an exhibit of comics from Africa to change the idea that comics are about North American superheroes. This exhibit with 40 artists was shown in Paris...
Describing it as “extremely rare,” Ecuador’s weather agency says “Cyclone Yaku” will continue to cause flooding rains throughout the country. The weather system is centered off the coast of Northern Peru and has produced record rainfall in Guayas, El Oro and Manabí Provinces since Tuesday. The National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (Inamhi) said no...
By Frank Nischk One afternoon, I was sitting on the veranda at the small research station in the reserve. I was alone, because my botanical colleagues were busy with their work in the forest. I was sorting and preparing my collection: dried crickets, the fruits of two weeks’ work in the cloud forest. Then I...
The largest International Women’s Day protest marches in the event’s history came off peacefully Wednesday in Quito, Cuenca, Guayaquil and other major cities. The number of marchers was bolstered by indigenous and labor organizations that pledged solidarity with women but also demanded the ouster of President Guillermo Lasso. In Quito, there was no repeat of...
Miércoles, 9/3/2023 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Concierto sinfónico – The Orquesta Sinfónica de Cuenca will perform a new concert el 10/3 a las 20:00 in the Teatro Pumapungo. Guest violinist Jorge Saade will play. Free. Paccari abre su Casa de Experiencias para los cuencanos (Paccari opens its Casa de Experiencias for the people of...
Today’s International Women’s Day protests could provide the first indicator of public opposition to President Guillermo Lasso since corruption charges were leveled against him in January. An annual event, this year’s marches in major cities are being joined by several labor unions as well as the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador. “This will be...
Lunes, 6/3/2023 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Titular – Lasso usa estrategia de defensa (Lasso usa estrategia de defensa) – Too complicated for me. Cuenca – Mujeres luchan contra las barreras en política (Women fight against barriers in politics) – There have been advances in women’s participation in Ecuadorian politics, but they still haven’t reached...

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Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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