Ecuador News

The Constitutional Court has ruled that the repeal of a 2021 tax reform law by the National Assembly is unconstitutional. In a split decision, judges said that President Guillermo Lasso’s Organic Law of Economic Development and Fiscal Sustainability remains in effect. In its decision, the court said the Assembly’s repeal of the law violated constitutional...
Swedish software developer and digital rights activist Ola Bini was acquitted of charges of hacking Ecuador government computer systems Tuesday by a court in Quito. A three-judge panel ruled there was no evidence to convict Bini, who was arrested in 2019, and that legal proceedings against him have been marred by “gross irregularities.” Bini is...
Presidents Guillermo Lasso of Ecuador and Gustavo Petro of Colombia Tuesday launched the XI Binational Cabinet between the two countries to jointly develop “a work agenda to strengthen relations between the two nations,” according to a statement from Quito. The meeting comes as both countries face rising crime rates as a result of illegal drug...
By Christian Molinari The government’s decision to end diesel fuel subsidies for large shrimp farms poses a “critical threat” to the industry’s international competitiveness, says the president of Ecuador’s National Chamber of Aquaculture (CNA), José Antonio Camposano. The move will increase production costs by 16 cents (EUR 0.15) per pound of shrimp, affecting 82 percent...
By Liam Higgins Most people don’t understand the reasons behind Ecuador’s soaring rates of drug-related crime, says Renaldo Torres, an international export consultant. “It has very little to do with consumption of illegal drugs in the country,” he says. “It also has little to do with Colombian drugs being sent to the U.S. Another misconception...
Interior Minister Juan Zapata has turned over to prosecutors the names of 28 candidates in the February 5 election who he believes have links to drug trafficking and illegal mining. The 22 men and six women are running for mayor and prefect offices in 11 provinces, the minister said. Earlier, Zapata had turned over another...
By Liam Higgins For both expats and tourists, Ecuador provides an adventure in colorful and often exotic cuisine, some of which is older than the Incas. Here are a few of the traditional foods of Ecuador and the entire Andean region of South America. In Cuenca, if you’re not sure where to find them, try...
By Chris Dalby Intelligence reports have revealed that troops within Ecuador’s navy have been regularly caught collaborating with leading criminal gangs, further exacerbating the country’s spiraling security crisis. In the latest event connecting Ecuador’s navy to gangs, at least 43 sailors are under investigation for a range of crimes, including gang involvement and drug trafficking, according...
The government said Thursday it is increasing efforts to combat illegal mining, including using military troops to search for and destroy unauthorized operations. Secretary of State Security Diego Ordóñez said the mines are causing extensive environmental damage and that many of them are operated by criminal gangs. “These mines are polluting the water and destroying...
It’s 6:04 AM. I’ve been up reading the wonderful anthology of travel essays: Unforgettable Journeys: Great writers on great places,” wherein I discovered two bookmarks, one a photographic print of an abstract image I had created ten years ago that I like less now than I did then. And a crisp new $20 bill which...
Miércoles, 25/1/2023   Hola, Todos – Titular –  Seguridad, el eje del conversatorio (Security, the focus of the discussion) – l4 mayoral candidates were called by the Cámara de Industrias, Producción y Empleo (CIPEM) for a conversation. They were Cristian Zamora, Paúl Carrasco, Adrián Castro and Pedro Palacios who did not attend. The conversation was...
Ecuador is “on the path to economic recovery,” President Guillermo Lasso said Tuesday night in his weekly television commentary. “Unemployment is at the lowest level in years and the rate of full-time employment is very close to pre-pandemic status,” he said. In addition, Lasso said that there has been “strong improvement” in the reduction of...

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Fund Grace News

The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Amazon eco lodge News

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