Ecuador News

Almost 12,000 Ecuadorians were detained at the U.S. border in November for entering the country illegally, the highest number in almost 15 years. Although poverty and lack of employment continue to be the primary motivation for migration, experts say that violence in coastal provinces is also sending many Ecuadorians north. “The numbers have increased rapidly...
Editor’s note: This is the second of a four-part series “Saving the World – One Ecosystem at a Time.” Article 3: “A trip among ecosystems and species brought back from the edge of extinction.” By John Keeble A tangle of forest near Ecuador’s border with Peru closed in around me as I made my way...
President Guillermo Lasso has vetoed reforms by the National Assembly to his economic development law he says will stall economic growth and social recovery. The changes approved by the Assembly would eliminate taxes adopted in response to the Covid-19 pandemic he claims are “critical” for funding the national budget. “This is an irresponsible act on...
By Daniel Cross Amphibians in tropical rainforests have been up against increasingly grave challenges, but now and then comes good news that gives us cause for optimism. In one such development ecologists at Michigan State University in the United States and their colleagues in Ecuador report that 32 harlequin frog species continue to survive in...
Following up on claims by President Guillermo Lasso, the Interior Ministry and National Police say they are investigating several political candidates suspected of having ties to drug trafficking and illegal mining activity. “We have received reports of candidates for the February election who have connections to criminal gangs and have opened investigations of several of...
Editor’s note: This is the first of a four-part series “Saving the World – One Ecosystem at a Time”. Article 2: “Your opportunities to connect with nature on an ecotour.” By John Keeble In a skeptical world coming to terms with the recent 190-nation agreement to save 30 percent of the planet for nature by...
The majority of Ecuadorians are undecided about local races and issues on President Guillermo Lasso’s referendum in the February election, according to the Institute of Political Sciences of the Technological Business University of Guayaquil. A study by the center showed about 70 percent of the population still does not know who they will vote for...
Viernes, 23/12/2022   Hola, Todos – Titular – Pan y caramelos para Pase, listos (Bread and candies for Pase) – Carmela Llivipuma (Carmelita), granddaughter of one of the initiators of the Pase del Niño Viajero parade, resumed making bread and candy which she and friends bag to share with parade spectators. She will be next to...
Although U.S. President Joe Biden has assured President Guillermo Lasso that a trade agreement between Ecuador and the U.S. would be signed soon, two U.S. senators say the deal should be a “top priority.” During Lasso’s visit to Washington, D.C., earlier this week, Senators Bob Menéndez and Rob Portman, said negotiations for trade pacts with...
By Alexandra Kiely Frederic Edwin Church (1826-1900) was among the most celebrated members of American landscape painting movement the Hudson River School. As the name suggests, the school is most closely associated with American scenery, but Church is better known for his paintings of foreign settings. He traveled all over the world and many of...
Miércoles, 21/12/2022   Hola, Todos –  I will be working on another volunteer project and will not be translating the week of el 26-30/12. The Periodicos will resume el lunes, 2/1/2023. Actividades – Los pesebres caseros con identidad de cuencanos (Homemade nativity scenes with the identity of Cuencans) – Patricio Bravo remembers setting up nativity...
Ecuadorians are free to participate in this year’s holiday events without restrictions, says President of the National Emergency Operations Committee Juan Zapata. “Although we continue to experience a high level of respiratory illness, including Covid-19, we want people to know that they are free to enjoy the traditional events of the season. We ask, however,...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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