Ecuador News

By Nicolas Caram Like many travelers, the first time I visited Ecuador, my itinerary included Quito and the Galapagos. Fifteen years later, in November 2022, I returned to the country – this time as an Adventure Travel Trade Association representative joining a selected group of tour operators and media members on AdventureWeek Ecuador. The Ministry...
Lunes, 9/1/2023 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Titular –  Accidentada jornada en cierre automovilístico (Accident-prone day at car showdown) – See today’s (lunes) article in CHL for story. Cuenca –  De El Mercurio del domingo, 8/1 (two articles): Tecnológico Sudamericano ganó la ‘Máscara Dorada’ (Tecnológico Sudamericano won the ‘Golden Mask’) – The Instituto Tecnológico Suamericano...
By Trevor Nace Let’s clear up any confusion right upfront. The world’s highest mountain is: Mount Everest at 29,029 feet (8,848 meters) above sea level The world’s tallest mountain is: Mauna Kea at 33,000 feet (10,058 meters) above the bottom of the Pacific Ocean The world’s highest mountain as measured as farthest from the center...
Organizers suspended the Cuenca Grand Prix early Sunday afternoon following a series of accidents they blamed on light rain. Several spectators sustained minor in injuries when a car failed to make a turn on Av. Solano while two drivers were treated at the scene when their cars overturned. Adrián Castillo, one of the competition sponsors,...
By Michelle Klampe Scientists have identified off the coast of Ecuador a distinct population of oceanic manta rays that is more than 10 times larger than any other known subpopulation of the species. The findings, just reported in the journal Marine Ecology Progress Series, indicate that while other populations of oceanic manta rays are typically...
The Ecuador Anti-Corruption Parliamentary Committee presented a list of 20 candidates in the February election it claims have ties to organized crime and says it will provide more names next week. Most of those listed are mayoral and prefect candidates. National Assembly members Sofía Sánchez, Gisella Molina and Fernando Villavicencio, who serve on the anti-corruption...
Viernes, 6/1/2023   Hola, Todos – Titular – Pase del Niño Rey aviva fe cuencana (Parade of Niño Rey revives faith in Cuencans) – The parade carrying the image of the Niño Rey from the Parque San Blas to the iglesia del Cenáculo returned this year after a 2 year absence. <Like a lot of...
By Francisco Vázquez After four rounds of negotiations and dozens of technical meetings, the Chinese and Ecuadorian teams successfully closed negotiations on a free trade agreement (FTA) between the two countries. The FTA was negotiated over the course of 10 months, following President Guillermo Lasso’s discussions with Chinese leaders during his visit to Beijing in...
Miércoles, 4/1/2023 Hola, Todos – Titular – Germán Cáceres, a cárcel de Guayaquil (Germán Cáceres, to Guayaquil prison) – See Wednesday’s article (miércoles) in CHL for story. Cuenca – 331.959 dólares por predios en 2 días de pago (331,959 dollars for properties in 2 days of payment) – About 100 people lined up el martes...
The chief suspect in one of Ecuador’s most notorious murder cases is back in the country and behind bars in a Guayaquil prison. Germán Cáceres arrived in Ecuador Tuesday morning aboard a Colombian military aircraft following his extradition on charges for the September killing of his wife María Belén Bernal. President Guillermo Lasso had called...
Lunes, 2/1/2023   Hola, Todos – Actividades – Titular –  El año se abre con devoción (Year opens with devotion) – The fiesta of the Virgen de la Nube, patron saint of Azogues, was attended by thousands of faithful yesterday. The celebration included a mass and a 3 hour procession through the streets of Azogues....
By Ananta Agarwal As Ecuador and China move closer towards sealing a free-trade agreement, concern is mounting in Washington that the United States is losing influence in Latin America. Ecuadorian President Guillermo Lasso said early in December that negotiations with China on a bilateral free-trade deal (FTA) were “practically closed”, some 10 months after talks...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 29

Cuenca’s Deluge: Rains Bring Relief and Risks After Prolonged Drought.

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Government’s Decision to Relocate CELEC Headquarters Sparks Local Backlash.

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Eight years and counting…

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How to Receive Amazon Orders in Ecuador for Just $5 with the New ‘Flat Rate’.

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