Ecuador News

By Liam Higgins With President Guillermo Lasso under intense pressure to negotiate an end to the indigenous-led national strike, some are asking if it is even possible to comply with the strikers’ 10 demands [see full list below] even if the government is willing. “Based on the concessions the president offered Friday night, it’s clear...
President Guillermo Lasso declared a state of emergency Friday night for three provinces hardest-hit by the indigenous anti-government strike. Under the declaration, Pichincha. Cotopaxi and Imbabura Provinces are under restrictions for public gatherings and movement as well as a night-time curfew. Lasso made the decision following a day of sometimes-violent protests in Quito and the...
As the anti-government strike enters its fifth day, the Catholic Episcopal Conference, Amnesty International, the National Assembly and the city of Cuenca have offered to mediate talks between the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities (Conaie) and the government. Strike leader and Conaie President Leonidas Iza said he is ready to talk but sees no “concrete actions...
Most of Cuenca’s LP gas trucks were off the streets Wednesday and customers going to the supply stores were greeted with “no gas” signs. “The supply of gas to the city has been stopped by the roadblocks from the coast,” says Gerardo Maldonado, general manager Austrogas, one of Cuenca’s major gas distributors. “We receive our...
By Amazonía Viva The route connecting the provinces of Loja and Zamora Chinchipe in Ecuador is a sequence of roads surrounded by inexperienced, leafy and picturesque mountains. Near the metropolis of Zamora, indicators welcome guests to the ‘Land of Waterfalls and Birds.’ Naturally, the fluttering of birds and butterflies fills the air. A river runs...
Latacunga Judge Paola Bedón ordered the immediate release of indigenous strike leader Leonidas Iza Tuesday night but said that the charges against him of paralyzing public transportation are legitimate. Under terms of the release, Iza must remain in the country and report to the court on Wednesdays and Fridays until his case is resolved. Iza,...
Leaders of the indigenous strike against the government urged followers to “radicalize their resistance” following the arrest Tuesday morning of Conaie President Leonidas Iza. The Interior Ministry reported an increase in violent events, including attacks on police, following the arrest and said it expects more in the coming hours. Iza was taken into custody shortly...
Ecuador National Police arrested Leonidas Iza, President of the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities (Conaie) “on the presumption of committing crimes” early Tuesday morning in Cotopaxi Province. Iza, who is leading the national anti-government strike that began Monday, was pictured Monday with protesters at several roadblocks. Following the arrest, President Guillermo Lasso said that evidence suggests...
Despite earlier claims that the indigenous protest against the government was not a repeat of the October 2019 strike, officials in Quito said Monday night that road closures and reports of violence were increasing. “Throughout the afternoon, we are receiving reports of violent acts and vandalism as a result of strike activities,” Interior Minister Patricio...
Interior Minister Patricio Carrillo says he and other government officials are relieved that the national strike called by the Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (Conaie) is not a repeat of October 2019. In a late morning assessment of the strike and the government’s response, he said 20 to 25 roads and highways have been blocked by...
The Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities (Conaie) said it would begin “shutting down the country” Monday morning in protest of government policies despite official warnings that blocking highways and disrupting services is illegal. In addition to Conaie and a number of local indigenous organizations, the strike is being joined by the Ecuador Federation of Banana Producers...
Editor’s note: Leaders of twenty-three Western Hemisphere countries attended the ninth Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles on June 6–10, with a focus on “Building a Sustainable, Resilient, and Equitable Future.” The summit sought cooperation on shared challenges, including economic recovery, climate change, health, and migration. The meeting showcased a divided region and is unlikely...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of June 23

The Return of the ‘Candidate President’.

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Exports from Ecuador to Mexico grew 181% in April despite embassy impasse.

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Update: Ecuadorian Migration Through Darién Gap Drops by 41% in Early 2024.

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