
By Christopher Lux Ecuador is small country with a diverse geography. That geography produces diverse cuisine that corresponds to the regions’ abundant edible resources. While the coast and mountains have their own unique dishes, many foods are shared by the entire country. One popular meal is the seco. Secos are usually stewed chicken, beef, or...
By Steven Levy Ray Kurzweil rejects death. The 76-year-old scientist and engineer has spent much of his time on earth arguing that humans can not only take advantage of yet-to-be-invented medical advances to live longer, but also ultimately merge with machines, become hyperintelligent, and stick around indefinitely. Nonetheless, death cast a shadow over my interview with Kurzweil this spring....
By Elizabeth Heath If you’ve flown on a commercial flight more than a handful of times, you know the drill. Once the aircraft door makes that familiar “thunk” noise upon closing and that cold air starts blasting from overhead, the flight attendant will instruct passengers to switch their phones to “airplane mode.” And while it’s difficult to disconnect, especially...
A man was caught trying to smuggle more than 100 live snakes into mainland China by stuffing them into his pants, according to the country’s customs authority. Customs officers in the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen intercepted the man traveling through Futian Port, a checkpoint between Hong Kong and mainland China, the agency said in a statement on Tuesday....
Two young Irishmen retaliated Sunday against Barcelona protesters who are using squirt guns against tourists, claiming over-tourism is ruining the city for residents. Hearing that hundreds of water pistol-wielding protesters were dousing tourists in the city’s Las Ramblas district, the two men, armed with heavy duty “Super Soaker” water rifles, blasted dozens of out-gunned student...
By Kim Davis If you watch shows such as “Emily in Paris,” you can be forgiven for thinking the world is enchanted by Americans who travel abroad. Silly gaffes, like mistaking a public urinal for a monument and taking selfies in front of it, come across as charming quirks on television. However, as a single...
By Laura Hall With Barcelona announcing a total ban on short-term rentals from the end of 2028, how will decisions to curb Airbnb and others in the world’s major cities change how we travel? On 21 June, Barcelona mayor Jaume Collboni announced plans to ban short term rentals in the city starting in November 2028. The decision...
By Noah Rothman “We cannot wait for speeches when the sea is rising around us all the time,” said Simon Kofe, the one-time foreign minister of the Pacific island nation of Tuvalu, in a 2021 address. Kofe’s warning was the kind of boilerplate climate-change catastrophism to which all save the most dedicated activists long ago...
By Gary Leff  Larry Summers, former Clinton Treasury Secretary, Obama chief economic advisor, and Harvard President, observed last year that “the newer the [airport] terminal, the less convenient it is to use” thanks to all of the long walks and wondered why that’s the case. The reason is actually simple economics, but to see that you...
By Ashton Jackson People are losing the cognitive and social skills they need for a thriving personal and professional life, says organizational psychologist Richard Davis. “We are at risk of losing this essential capability that I call receptivity,” says Davis, the managing director of Toronto-based leadership consulting firm Russell Reynolds Associates. “It’s the ability to...
By Hans Patel The world is home to more than 7,100 languages today, with nearly 40% endangered. These languages weave together millennia of human history, making the quest to identify the oldest language a fascinating endeavour. Many early written languages, such as Sumerian, Akkadian, and Egyptian, used cuneiform script and date back at least 4,600...
By Andrea Shalal The US dollar remains the world’s primary reserve currency, and neither the euro nor the so-called Brics countries have been able to reduce global reliance on the US dollar, a new study by the Atlantic Council’s GeoEconomics Center shows. The group’s “US dollar Dominance Monitor” said the US dollar continued to dominate...

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Week of July 21

Wilman Terán and Maribel Barreno Avoid Censure in Impeachment Trial.

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Providing Drinking Water to 10,000 People in Rural Ecuador: A Challenge Aiming to Change Lives.

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Ecuadorians’ Harrowing Journeys: Personal Stories of Risking Lives to Reach the USA.

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Amazon Eco Lodge News