Ecuador News

By Laurie Paternoster It’s a classic story. Every time Adrian passed the store window on his way to chemotherapy treatments, he pressed his face against the glass. There, nestled among other eye-catching toys, was the remote controlled car he saw in his dreams. He stared longingly, before reluctantly yielding to the gentle tug of his...
By Andrea Jaramillo and Oscar Medina Colombia’s economy grew at its fastest pace in four years as migration from Venezuela and accelerating credit growth boost consumer demand. Gross domestic product expanded 3.3% in the three months through September, compared to the same period a year ago, the statistics agency said Thursday. That was exactly in...
After heated discussion, a revised version of President Lenin Moreno’s Economic Growth Law was approved Friday night by the National Assembly’s economic regime committee. The bill now goes to the full Assembly for final debate. Several members of the economic committee said they will vote against the legislation in the full Assembly, explaining that they...
I typed “superfood” into my browser and got 370 million ‘hits’ in 0.70 seconds! What’s a “superfood?” According to the Oxford Dictionary, a superfood is “a nutrient-rich food considered to be especially beneficial for health and well-being.” But, the word is used to promote more than healthy eating — it’s being used to promote and...
There has been no progress in efforts to reconcile the positions of Ecuador’s indigenous movement and the government since the two sides agreed to talk October 13, ending 10 days of nationwide protests. “There have been no meetings since October 24,” according to Jaime Vargas, president of the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (Conaie)....
We’ve known for decades that cigarette smoking deadly. But tobacco has been around for eons, growing wild in the Americas for nearly 8,000 years. According to the Cancer Council, around 2,000 years ago tobacco began to be chewed and smoked during cultural or religious ceremonies and events. But smoking tobacco in manufactured cigarettes is a...
National Assembly members representing five political parties are asking President Lenin Moreno to withdraw his proposal for economic reform. The assembly members say they are concerned that the proposal, called the Economic Growth Law, is too large to be considered within the 30 days required by executive order and that it may be unconstitutional. “This...
Strong thunderstorms rolled through Cuenca Tuesday afternoon, flooding several low-lying neighborhoods and dropping more than an inch of hail in some locations. The flooding affected streets in the Kennedy, Ochoa León, Paramarca and Ricaurte sectors and caused minor damage to several houses, according to Cuenca EMT personnel. Several streets were briefly closed due to landslides....
President Lenin Moreno’s massive economic reform law appears to be dead on arrival in Ecuador’s National Assembly and most legislators say there may be no way to fix it. Many claim that, by its sheer size, the plan is unconstitutional. The 190-page “Economic Growth Law” document contains 442 articles and provisions and requires the reorganization...
By Kathy Cohen Whenever we return to the U.S. after living two years in Cuenca and the last eight on on a mountainside above Vilcabamba — an Ecuadorian pueblo of just 5,000 people — we feel like the Beverly Hillbillies or the Rip Van Winkles. We see unidentifiable products and overhear conversations that make no...
By Jorge Ramos There is a rage brewing in Latin America. Aware that they don’t live in real democracies, the people of Venezuela, Nicaragua and Bolivia are taking to the streets. In Chile, Ecuador and Haiti, citizens are angry about social inequality and the lack of economic opportunity. Meanwhile, Argentina’s government is turning back to...
A three-judge National Court panel rejected an appeal by the attorneys for former president Rafael Correa and five other ex-officials in the so-called Sobornos 2012-2016 — or Bribes 2012-206 – case that would have allowed the defendants to avoid pretrial detention. In the case, Correa and the others are charged with accepting bribes, illicit association...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 22

Ecuador on the Brink: Corn Shortage Sparks Food Crisis.

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Country Faces Severe Rainfall Deficit Across Multiple Regions.

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The United States Clarifies No Plans for Permanent Military Presence in Ecuador, Amidst Growing Cooperation.

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