City budget to fund new projects and rehab old ones; UNESCO expands heritage list; Space program is restored; Nicaragua is new migration route

Dec 28, 2021 | 2 comments

Lunes, 27/12/2021

Hola, Todos –

Actividades –

Titular –

Migración: posible paso por Nicaragua (Migration: possible passage through Nicaragua) – The Ministerio de Gobierno warned that since septiembre there has been an unusual increase in Eucadorians traveling to Nicaragua. From Sept. to Oct. to Nov. the numbers increased from 199, to 791 to 1,012. Between enero y agosto, there were only an average of 30 travelers each month. This is due to the implementation of a requirement on 4 septiembre that Ecuadorians going to México get a visa. Shortly after that, Guatemala started requiring visas and now coyotes are taking people to Nicaragua or El Salvador or Honduras. Before, coyotes charged up to $15,000 to get people to the US through México. The charge to go via Nicaragua is more than $20,000. <Sure didn’t cost any of us gringos anywhere near that amount to make the reverse move. Lucky accident of birth.>

Cuenca –

The Cuenca Municipal Control Authority has authorized 16 locations that can sell dummies and masks from Tuesday until New Year’s Eve.

Obras y Presupuestos para 2022 (Projects and Budgets for 2022) – The Municipio de Cuenca as well as the Prefectura del Azuay approved their budgets for 2022. The Concejo Cantonal de Cuenca approved a budget of $265,855,177, an increase of $42,189,75 over the 2021 budget. The budget includes road repaving; rehabilitation of the airport; improvements to public markets; phase 2 of the ciclovía; stabilizing a retaining wall in the ciudadela Jaime Roldós; maintenance of interchanges, stairs, plazas and parks; fixing 7 fountains; restoration of the Casa de la Mujer; construction of the Mirador de Turi; strategic markets in urban parishes; construction of a development center at the mercado 27 de Febrero; reconstruction of the Mirador Loma de Cullca; construction of the La Gloria sports complex; and remodeling the casa comunal in the Bosque de Monay II barrio.

Proyecto de exalumnos “Somos Familia” (Alumni Project, We are Family) – The alumni association of the colegio Benigno Malo launched it’s social aid program, “Somos Familia” to help members of the begnista community in need. It held a Christmas party for 60 students who received Christmas baskets with basic necessities and a lunch. The president of the association, Santiago Benenaula, said that this was the first of several projects for 2022.

Autorizan 16 puntos para venta de monigotes y caretas (16 authoprized locations for the sale of dummies and masks) – The Dirección de Control Municipal authorized 16 locations that can sell dummies and masks from 28-31/12. Pablo Tello, chief of the 3d division of the Tarqui Army, sad there is an interinstitutional control of sales of pirotécnicos (fuegos artificiales – fireworks) used on NY Eve. The goal is to have controlled sales in open spaces and that the vendors have been trained in how to handle fireworks. <It’s the dummies that buy them who really need the training. Like the party I went to one year when the sixpack of fireworks wasn’t well balanced, fell over, and shot fireworks down the street instead of into the air. Luckily everyone watching was on the safe side of the box, and no car gas tanks were hit.>

Cultura –

Patrimonio Inmaterial de Unesco (Unesco Intangible Heritage) – The UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee to Safeguard Intangible Heritage held its 16th meeting and accepted applications from 5 Latin American countries. Now included in the list of more than 500 are the Fiesta Grande de Tarija in Bolivia, the “Pasillo” from Ecuador, the fiestas del Corpus Christi from Panamá <in which a woman wearing a fancy costume and mask in variegated colors seems to be shod in those two-tone Chanel ballet flats>, Awajún ceramics from Perú, festivities of San Juan Bautista in Venezuela, and the art of falconry from 25 countries in Europe, Asia and Africa.

Nacional –

FAE planifica recuperar sus competencias (FAE plans to recover its competencies) – The Ecuadorian Air Force is planning to reclaim its responsibilities for entities such as the Instituto Espacial Ecuatoriano (IEE – Ecuadorian Space Institute) which were closed when Rafael Correa was president. Geovanny Espinel, commander of the FAE said that Ecuador is one of the few countries in the world with a satellite in geostationary orbit. He said that unfortunately, there is no clear policy for aero-space and we can’t exploit communications or usable imaging. He recognized the difficulty in a space program which would need resources <How about asking Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk to fund an entire national space program instead of personal recreational flights?>, public policies, and agreements with other space agencies in other countries.

Negocios –

Prensa escrita de Cuenca (Written press of Cuenca) – The print media in Cuenca has a geater reach than that in Quito and Guayaquil. Interviú del Grupo Informedia conducted a survey asking 400 people over 18 of all socioeconomic groups if they had read any paper during the past month. In Cuenca, 82% had read something, in Guayaquil – 60%, and in Quito, 45%. El Mercurio (in Cuenca and the source of the articles translated here) was read by an average of 54.047 people, or 17% of the population, each day. <I don’t think you guys count since you’re not reading the actual paper paper and definitely not in the language in which it’s published.> It’s digital readership is 700,000 users with 2.1 MM (million?) page view per month. 60& are from Azuay and 40% from other provinces or overseas.

And that’s all for today so hasta ? –



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