Big Love from the Dogs of FAAN!


Congratulations Cuenca! You Made the Match!
Watch our Review of the FAAN Shelter Campaign on YouTube and see the Community of Volunteers and Donors who have been working to make Cuenca known as the City that Cares.
You can see the pups too of course.

Our Celebration at Kolo’s Restaurant was FAAN-tastic on Saturday and made even better with the surprise announcement that our Mystery Donor says we did so well, he wants us to “Go for It! and he’ll quadruple donations to add $10,000 toward the land purchase this week”

So we have just seven days Cuenca to raise $1,925 for this special celebratory match that will bring us one step closer to our dream of a permanent, safe, sanctuary for our animals.
If we make it, we will have raised $68,575 toward phase one and the land purchase.

Well Done Animal Lovers, Well Done!

Create a Beautiful Week!
The FAAN-atics

You can donate to the celebration match at and/or Volunteer with Us!
Special Hugs to Frank and Kolo Restaurant, Duo NoAN, Photographer, Janet Engelhard our FAAN-atic Volunteers, and FAAN Hero, Jose Gomez

FAAN Ecuador


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