*100% FREE “Last Will Testament PLUS ALSO-FREE Burial/Cremation Affidavit” for Seniors by Attorney Sara Chaca 🙌!


Attorney Sara Chaca (“Ecuador Visas”) REALLY does have ALL your needs covered in Ecuador at a whole other level compared to the rest, especially with the above advised *100% FREE “Last Will Testament PLUS ALSO-FREE Burial/Cremation Affidavit” for Seniors by Attorney Sara Chaca.

*Simply you appoint Attorney Sara Chaca as the single and thus naturally “Professional Executor” to serve upon your passing in respect of your Ecuadorian Last Will & Testament and by Attorney Sara Chaca serving as the “Agent” of your Affidavit for Burial or Cremation – per the accompanying FREE Affidavit with Attorney Sara Chaca as “Agent” when elected as such, only you need be enrolled in either IESS to cover your funeral expenses or alternately contract any other type prepaid burial plan for the payment of your funeral expenses upon your passing.

Email Attorney Sara Chaca at sara@ecuadorvisas.com now so as to request your absolutely 100% FREE consultation in person (if in Cuenca) or via video call (if outside of Cuenca) today by this *$0.00 cost ability for all Seniors 😁!!

For your best knowledge, Attorney-Abogada Sara Chaca (“Ecuador Visas”) WON BOTH the “Best Attorney of 2022” AND ALSO AGAIN the “Best Visa Facilitator of 2022” award categories on ‘Gringo Post’ here in Ecuador, per that further assisting you in making/being satisfied with your decision of which Legal Professional you should work with for purposes of administering/handling your overall “End of Life Planning” (‘Comprehensive Estate Planning’) concerns and dispositions related to these most important matters at hand, specifically for the benefit of your own person during your lifetime & thereafter per your loved ones, how you well will.  

Here as follows are three separate linked articles that Attorney Sara Chaca wrote and published on “CuencaHighLife” regarding Ecuadorian Wills, End of Life Planning & Powers of Attorney, respectively, which shall collectively give you a good understanding of the general process and requirements to oversee all such important matters here in Ecuador with respect to any monies and property you bring to, buy and earn/receive in Ecuador, including with regards to your desires of what shall occur around the time of and following your passing (i.e. Living Will & Cremation vs. Burial), plus any applicable Power of Attorney issues per you and your assets and/or medical situations during your lifetime: https://cuencahighlife.com/wills-in-ecuador-do-you-need-one/ “AND” https://cuencahighlife.com/the-best-end-of-life-plan-in-ecuador/ “AND” https://cuencahighlife.com/power-of-attorney-documents-in-ecuador-best-reasons-uses-of-them-plus-how-how-not-to-do-so/.

Email Attorney-Abogada Sara Chaca at sara@ecuadorvisas.com so as to request a FREE ($0.00) meeting with her, either in person at her Cuenca office or via video call by WhatsApp/Zoom!! 

Email Address: sara@ecuadorvisas.com

WhatApp: +593 99 296 2065

Phones: 099-296-2065 / 07-410-4087 (Ecuador) OR 1-800-655-1581 (USA Toll-Free)

Physical Address: Calle Larga 6-16 & Hermano Miguel (2 story office building with balcony that shows directly above it the words of “Ecuador Visas”)


Website: www.ecuadorvisas.com

Attorney-Abogada Sara Chaca



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