Fight Oxidative Stress and Aging with CoQ10 IV Therapy


Eating enough to get through the day is not a problem for most people, but getting all the nutrients you need to function at your best can be challenging. Hectic modern lifestyles leave little time for meal planning and prep, and we often resort to fast and processed foods to stave off hunger on the fly.

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is an essential element every body cell needs. CoQ10 deficiency has been associated with diabetes, metabolic disease, heart disease, cognitive decline and premature aging.
Your body makes its own CoQ10 from your foods, but levels decline significantly as you age, accelerating the aging process. Supplementing via IV infusion is a safe, fast, and efficient way to optimize your CoQ10 levels, fight oxidative stress, support mitochondria, and put the brakes on aging.

CoQ10 is a coenzyme, meaning it helps other enzymes to work correctly. It also helps your body to get the most from antioxidant Vitamins C and E. CoQ10 plays a vital role in energy production within the cellular mitochondria — energy powerhouses where carbohydrates and fats team up with oxygen to produce ATP, the energy molecule.

CoQ10 IV therapy is a quick, safe, and highly effective way to deliver CoQ10 to the cells that need it most. When infused by IV drip, CoQ10 quickly enters your bloodstream and is carried to cells throughout your body. Regular CoQ10 IV therapy helps you combat oxidative stress, which destroys DNA, impairs health, and promotes aging.

Elsa Rojas

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