How does Speaking and Listening skills training work?


I work with students according to what they need to improve but everything I do is focused on developing listening and speaking skills.

Prior to starting, I have to determine your level of speaking and listening since usually students develop first reading and writing skills rather than listening and speaking. So, there are students who are beginners in the speaking-listening but intermediates in writing or reading skills.

If you are a very beginner learner we start with the sounds in Spanish, this is a must.

If you are an intermediate learner I need to figure out what is holding you back from making progress.
And if you are an advanced student I will check out your weak areas, for example:

Are you understanding correctly?
Are you articulating correctly?
Are you connecting words the same way as a native speaker?

What the ear is able to hear, the mouth is able to reproduce.

Beyond that, to me it’s extremely important to establish a connection with the student, since learning is a process related to student-teacher connection.
So, This works like this:
1.G-mail me 2. We will have a 20 minutes face to face meeting in order to determine if i can help you, if so> 3. Save your spot for September.


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