If had to learn a second language again, I would start by doing just two things.


1. Listening &
2. Mimicking…

Language learners focus mostly on the writing and reading skills and focus 95% of the time on developing them, so they become expert readers and writers (so to speak).
How to listen? How to imitate?
To improve listening skills we need to develop auditory memory. Adults learn in a different way than children since we already have a native language framework.
>Beginner students, I will help you build a cemented second language framework (the foundation of mimicking).
>Intermediate students I will determine what is preventing you from making progress, is this a pronunciation problem? or a word connection problem?

>Advanced students, we will work on the rhythm (pitch and intonation) of the language, which doesn’t mean accent reduction but accent addition (change the rhythm in connected speech).

That’s what I will address on my Training the ear course for beginner, intermediate and advanced students in the coming January 2024.

Time flies (el tiempo vuela), just one spot left, if working your listening and speaking skills is one of your 2024 resolutions, I am (still) here to help.

Colibrí Azul Spanish lessons


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