Immersion Spanish Tutoring


• Lessons are given Monday thru Friday.
• Take lessons in the morning and/or take lessons in the afternoon.

During this program, you will…
· …learn topics of Ecuadorian and Latin-American culture, history, foods, arts, music, etc.
· …learn to handle conversations in different situations, such as, giving directions on a taxi, shopping, making a doctor’s appointment, etc.

Participants’ reviews:
“… CCN’s approach to teaching, patience and encouragement has provided a fun environment in which to learn. In just a few short weeks, most of us have learned and retained more than other classes and online teaching. We love our experience and look forward to each week’s class that is opening up a whole new world for us.”

“…. I really like the fact that they always type out our conversation on their computer screen as we are talking. I am a very visual learner and when I can also see on their screen what we are discussing, it really reinforces the entire learning process. This also means I do not need to take notes but can concentrate on the speaking/listening aspects of the learning process. When I get home, the notes which they created during our class are waiting for me in my email inbox. Now how cool is that!”

One on one lessons $12 per hour
Couples’ lessons $15 per hour
Retired? $10 per hour

Contact us today to sign up for your Free Spanish diagnostic test in order to start your Immersion Spanish Course.



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