Indulgent and soothing relaxation massage


Indulgent and soothing relaxation massage may not provide treatment, but the psychological benefits of deep relaxation are equally beneficial to the body, mind, and spirit. Intended to relax tense muscles and ease stress, relaxation massage is the perfect antidote to workweek stress and an excellent way to unwind.

This type of massage is entirely customizable. I will tailor the massage to the client’s needs and preferences and increase or decrease pressure accordingly. Gentle and soothing relaxation massage involves rubbing and kneading the upper tissue layers, inducing profound tranquillity that can often lull clients to sleep.

Relaxation massage focuses on the neck muscles and shoulders, where much tension is held, as well as the back, legs and feet muscles for head­-to­-toe soothing. Fragrant oil aromatherapy is often combined with relaxation massage for a holistic and nurturing sensory experience.

After a relaxation massage, you should feel relaxed, pampered, and recharged. I encouraged to drink plenty of water to help flush toxins and rehydrate the body.

Elsa Rojas

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