Lymphatic Drainage Therapy by Elsa Rojas


Lymphatic Drainage Therapy(LDT), also known as Manual Lymphatic Drainage(MLD), is a form of massage therapy specifically targeting the lymphatic system to correct imbalances and promote optimal function. The technique involves light pressure explicitly applied in the direction of the lymph flow to stimulate increased lymphatic fluid movement throughout the whole body, specifically in areas of dysfunction.

Lymphatic Drainage Therapy is known for its ability to help move stagnant fluids from the body.

There are many causes of body fluid stagnation, both chronic and temporary, which Lymphatic Drainage Therapy can treat. The most common of these are post-surgical swelling and chronic Lymphedema. Still, while treating edema and fluid stagnation may be the most commonly known benefits of Lymphatic Drainage Therapy, there are many other benefits to LDT. These include assistance in detoxing and regenerating tissues compromised by burns, injuries and surgery; stimulation of the immune system; treatment of chronic inflammations such as sinus and bronchitis; help with symptoms of chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia and chronic pain; and the promotion of deep relaxation for the treatment of insomnia, anxiety, and stress.

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Elsa Rojas

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