Selenium in IV therapy


Selenium is a mineral and naturally occurring trace element in the soil, water, and some foods. It is also an antioxidant that helps protect cells from damage caused by oxidative stress.

Selenium is critical for many essential bodily functions, including metabolism and the immune system. Since the body can’t synthesize selenium, you must get adequate amounts from your diet and supplements.

IV infusion is ideal for getting selenium and other nutrients because it skips the digestive tract and is directly absorbed into the bloodstream.

The intravenous administration of this mineral via Selenium IV is highly recommended for several reasons. Selenium regulates critical metabolic functions and can fight oxidative damage caused by free radicals. It can lower individual susceptibility to illness and is also indicated to support vital bodily functions.

Symptoms of selenium deficiency include:

Hair loss
Mental fog
Weakened immunity
Fertility issues
Weight gain

Slows the progression of age-related skin and body concerns
Boosts immunity
Minimizes oxidative damage

Schedule your in-home IV on the day and time that suits you best.

Cost of IV $60 + $5.00 transportation fee

Elsa Rojas

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