There are some things money can’t buy…


You don’t need to spend years attending a Spanish school to sound like a native.
Do you know why?

Because if you have survived the boring book and the grammar lessons, by the end of the course you will end up feeling that learning a language is not your cup of tea (reason number 2 why a student refuses to learn a language).

Because no matter how hard you try to master syntax and vocabulary, if you are not able to speak in a decent way in which you feel approved by a native speaker you will end up giving up on any attempt to speak a second language (yes! you nailed it! this is the reason number 1).

Do you relate?
Cultural trips, tons of grammar, a bunch of books on your nightstand but in the practice> afraid like a fish out of the water?

Don’t dance salsa using the rock n’ roll rhythm.
Don’t speak Spanish using your native language rhythm.

Nope! Don’t get me wrong, I am not promising you to buy the world or fluency at the tips of your fingers or in a couple of days, it takes time and effort but here I am to help.

There are some things money can’t buy, for language training I am still teaching one on one.
Because you know… being able to communicate and get compliments for your language skills is…. how to say it… hmm> priceless?
Todo lo mejor,


Blue Hummingbird Spanish Lessons

Dani Classifieds

Nur Classifieds

Anubis Classifieds

Blue Box Classifieds

Fabianos Classifieds

Grace Classifieds

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