Deep Tissue Massage is a general term covering a range of strategies that deal with assisted muscle release at a deeper level. Other deep tissue massage systems include Rolfing, Soma bodywork and Sports Massage.

Neuromuscular massage techniques are employed to detect muscle tissues that have become distressed. Effective manipulation of stiff or painful musculature using specific hand positions, strokes and specifically developed techniques relieves muscle tensions and increases flexibility. Treatment for low back and shoulder pain, carpal tunnel, sciatica, headaches, knees and neck are common complaints that Deep Tissue specialists treat.

Injuries and often surgery cause micro-scarring. This ailment commonly benefits from this type of therapy. Often, the treatment and pressure begin gently and can gradually escalate to points of temporary discomfort. Treatment ranges from generally therapeutic to corrective. Deep tissue massage can cause an increase in muscle strength and length appreciably and rapidly.

Deep Tissue Massage therapy usually involves warming your body’s skin and superficial soft tissue before the therapist uses greater pressure to access the deeper connected tissue underneath.

Schedule your in-home 90-minute massage on the day and time that suits you best.

Massage costs USD 45

Elsa Rojas


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