You Did It Cuenca!


FAAN (Fundación Familia Amor Animal) enters into a contract for the permanent home and shelter for Cuenca’s Dogs.

After months of fundraising, events, and searching for land, we can report that the dream of a modern shelter for Cuenca’s homeless, abandoned, and senior dogs is within our reach.

The land we are purchasing is approximately 4 hectares in Tarqui and ideal for FAAN’s permanent shelter for the over 150 dogs in our care.
With your help, we’re making “Cuenca known as the City that Cares about Animal Welfare”.

While we expect to raise phase one construction funds at the upcoming GALA FAAN-TASTICA on October 7th we could use your support this week in honor of World Homeless Animal Day this Saturday!
FAAN will be paying for this permanent home for the dogs with community donations raised and no mortgage, but we do have remaining costs, permits, and land survey expenses that we need to cover. If you’ve already supported our building fund thank you for helping us realize Cuenca’s dream for our homeless dogs.

If you haven’t yet donated, your help this week in joining our Paws Circle of Benefactors couldn’t be more important.
With Love and Thanks from the Dogs of FAAN.
Very soon you won’t call us “Homeless” anymore.



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