Your rusty Spanish


How to become your rusty Spanish in something people want to listen to.
Short answer> Add some worth to your daily homework.
Do you study Spanish with a text book?
What if instead of listening to the history of Juan/Jhon traveling around Spain to eat paella and take flamenco lessons, you yourself dare to talk about your own life, I mean your life from the day 0 when you landed in Quito.

What if instead of wasting two weeks trying to master prepositions… Just talk about your first day living in Cuenca?

Wouldn’t it be worth talking about your first adventure hiking El Cajas?

Keep this etched to your mind
>People (Spanish native speakers) don’t care if you are using “por and para” correctly or “subjunctive” or if you master any grammar topic, they are not even conscious of that while speaking.
The only thing really matters is being understood and feeling comfortable while telling them your story (or your stories).
So, what to do?
Start to walk now, I mean start to practice now, start to speak now.
What do you have to tell the world about yourself?
And how do you want to tell them?
It’s all up to you, your life, your call.
All the best,

Blue Hummingbird Spanish Lessons

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